How do I jump or spin camera around using mouse?


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Dec 2006

Anyone know?



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005


Wizardry Players Guild,

No jumping other than /jump emote. It is pointless in this game.

Hold right button and move the mouse, scroll wheel for in/out - those are default settings at least.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2006

Your face

True Gods Of War [True]


You can't jump, as DeanBB stated already.

True story: My brother plays WoW still, and he saw me playing GW not too long ago. He said "This game looks pretty cool...what do you do in it?" So, I explained how GW is basically WoW without the crappy stuff, more PvP, and better....everything.

He said "Wow, and it's free to play after you buy it?" So, I replied with "yep". He said "How come you're not jumping around like you used to in WoW?" I said "Well, you can't jump in this's pretty pointless anyway, and never used for anything important in online games like this."

He seriously said "Oh, well if you can't jump then I won't play it" and he left the room.

I'm not making this up.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jan 2006

Id like to see jumping that allows you to not have to go about a half a mile out of you way with you goal right in front of you, because of a 1 foot dropp beinging too high an angle to walk. If jumpings added in GW2, it should have no effect on combat whatsoever(no bunnyhoppers lol).



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005

Originally Posted by Nickhimself
He seriously said "Oh, well if you can't jump then I won't play it" and he left the room.
wow, thats a very stupid reason to not play a game.

darkk wound

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Nov 2006

united kingdom


wow your bro is an idiot lmfao

The Pointless

The Pointless

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2006

Stuck in the UK

Rage International [RAGE]


Originally Posted by Gorebrex
If jumpings added in GW2, it should have no effect on combat whatsoever(no bunnyhoppers lol).
That would make it really pointless (no pun).
If you're going to include jumping in any game, it has to have a purpose.
The only reason GW would even need to have jumping would be to, say, jump off a rock to avoid Searing Flames.

But GW isn't that sort of game anyways, so you'll have to make do with pegging it.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Apr 2005




I don't see what the point of jumping would be either. People would just use it to try and get to "secret" places. Or be annoying and jump around the whole town.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006


Originally Posted by $hade.
I don't see what the point of jumping would be either. People would just use it to try and get to "secret" places. Or be annoying and jump around the whole town.
lol hehe i am so one of them.




Join Date: May 2005


Question answered.. and this isn't the place to discuss the merits/demerits/etc on jumping/wow/etc.. If you want to discuss bringing in jumping into the game, please go to the Sardelac Sanitarium forum and discuss it there.

thread closed.