My friend recently bought Guild Wars. I was wondering, if i copy my gw.dat file to a DVD and then overwrite his file so its patched to latest version, will it work for him?
Plus, the .dat file itself is safe to copy right? it wont contain info on my account or anything that will put my own account in danger?
Thank You.
Gw.dat File safe?
yes, it's safe. :\ I do that whenever I go back home, so I don't have to dl on crappy internet.
All your account details are on the GW server - nothing is stored locally (well, apart from your "login name" if you select "remember me").
It's completely safe to copy your gw.dat file to his install so that he doesn't have to download all the updates. It won't in any way compromise your own GW account.
It's completely safe to copy your gw.dat file to his install so that he doesn't have to download all the updates. It won't in any way compromise your own GW account.
Make a backup copy of his file on a dvd or a section of hard drive with enough space, so if anything goes wrong, he can restore his file. Once youre sure it worked(hes able to play), the backup can be deleted. Holding shift while pressing delete will "actually" delete the file(it wont go to Recycle Bin, still taking up hard drive space).
this .dat file contains only the "material"(textures, sounds, animations...) for the game. All other stuff are directly downloaded from the server.
bog boy
shudnt this be in the technicians corner?