A Question About Territory Changes

Sam I Are

Sam I Are

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2006

Club of a Thousand Pandas [LOD???]


Do the territory changes reset after a certain amount of time or do they never change? (as in # of them, i had a friend play it and he used all my territory changes )





Join Date: May 2005


As far as I'm aware Territory changes never reset. so once used, they are gone forever.

Only exception is if you used all yours and got stuck in a territory you didn't want to be in.. ANet might consider swapping you over at this point. at least they were doing this for some people back when there was 5 territor swap's and people got stuck because of this..



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jan 2006

south mississippi

Warriors Of Melos WOM


A while back A-Net and NC-Soft put a limit on how many times you could swap territories (this did not effect going into the International Districts) due to players jumping from one teritory to another following the Favor of the Gods to get into UW or FOW. Contact support and see if they will reset you to the terrritory that you are native to. If they can't or won't then you are stuck where your friend left you. My advice is to not let anyone, friends included, use your account at all.

Mega Mouse