Factions Question


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Dec 2006


I'm very new to this forum, but I have a question nagging at me. I installed GW Factions a while ago, and so far it plays just like regular old guildwars. I'm getting no appearant signs that any of the features of Factions have even been installed. Has this happened to you? If so, please tell me what's wrong and how to fix it.

bog boy

bog boy

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006



err i guess u need to create a factions character ?lol



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Feb 2006

When not at Aziure's Wizard Tower you can find my in Belgium

Knigths of the Keyboard Order - KkO

as soon as something new is encountered you'll download it, don't worry


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Dec 2006


But there's also the issue of not being able to make the two new classes. That's the biggest issue.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005

After installing the game, one needs to input the access key that came with it before it actually shows up. Make sure you link the key with your current account, if you want Factions to be associated with your original Guild Wars account. Otherwise, it will install separately and independant of the original. Anet can't reverse this. Hope that helps.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Dec 2006


Originally Posted by Akshara
After installing the game, one needs to input the access key that came with it before it actually shows up. Make sure you link the key with your current account, if you want Factions to be associated with your original Guild Wars account. Otherwise, it will install separately and independant of the original. Anet can't reverse this. Hope that helps.
Would that have something to do with only installing factions with two different access keys that came with it?



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Oct 2005

La Legion Del Dragon [LD]


To clear something up, there is no 'installing' of a game. You only gain access to each campaign by adding the appropriate key, the client itself is one and the same for all. So that being said, one of the keys that you got with factions would be for you, the main access key, and the other would be either a buddy key that gave temporary access to the game.

Here's the question that goes to your case: assuming you had prophecies, when you added your factions key, did you use the link marked 'create new account' or 'add key to existing account'? If you used the create new account, then your prophecies account will not allow you to create canthan characters, nor to travel there. The same would go for your sepparate Factions account. If you did use the 'add' link, then make sure you added the actual key and not the trial/buddy key, you can see this by loging in and going to 'manage account' or something like that. It'll show you what keys you've added and what those keys give you access to.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Dec 2006


Originally Posted by G_MAGNUS
To clear something up, there is no 'installing' of a game. You only gain access to each campaign by adding the appropriate key, the client itself is one and the same for all. So that being said, one of the keys that you got with factions would be for you, the main access key, and the other would be either a buddy key that gave temporary access to the game.

Here's the question that goes to your case: assuming you had prophecies, when you added your factions key, did you use the link marked 'create new account' or 'add key to existing account'? If you used the create new account, then your prophecies account will not allow you to create canthan characters, nor to travel there. The same would go for your sepparate Factions account. If you did use the 'add' link, then make sure you added the actual key and not the trial/buddy key, you can see this by loging in and going to 'manage account' or something like that. It'll show you what keys you've added and what those keys give you access to.
I see. But here's another question. I've lost my access key, is there any way to retrieve any keys entered into the computer from the computer? The Edit Account option has lead me nowhere.

Marty Silverblade

Marty Silverblade


Join Date: Jun 2006

I've just opened up the client for you benefit, and only found an 'edit account' button, which was in the bottom left corner next to the log out button. Maybe thats what you need.

Also, Assassins and Ritualists can only be made in Cantha, so don't get your hopes up for a Tyrian Assassin.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Oct 2005

La Legion Del Dragon [LD]


I don't know of any way to retreive an access key since, for security purposes, it is not displayed in your account details (including the details on your plaync master account). But as Marty mentions, a quick way to see if you have Factions added, is to create a new character. When it asks what campaign, if you're only seeing Prophecies, then it's pretty much a sure bet that you didnt add the key. And as far as I know it's a one time deal on the whole merge-create thing with the new campaigns, I would imagine more so if you can't provide the original access key.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Dec 2006


I see now, thank you all very much.