My HP's are not going up?
I recently found a shield that adds 41 HP while in stance and I bought a rune to ad 30 HP that I attached to my armor and neither of them have jumped my characters HP. Am I doing something wrong?
1. Are you using stances?
2. Do you already have another Rune of Vigor (Minor, Major, or Superior)? If so, adding another Rune of Vigor will have no effect.
2. Do you already have another Rune of Vigor (Minor, Major, or Superior)? If so, adding another Rune of Vigor will have no effect.
Savio is correct, the shield will only give the JP bonus when you are in a stance. And Vigor runes are non-stackable, meaning that only one can be used. Sorry for the problems you are having with them.
Mega Mouse
Mega Mouse
I have rune of vigor on my leggins so I guess I can't put one on my helm also?
As far as stances go, I guess I am confused. When I am fighting that is not considered a stance? What is considered a stance?
Thanks for all your help. I am really ignorant when it comes to this stuff.
As far as stances go, I guess I am confused. When I am fighting that is not considered a stance? What is considered a stance?
Thanks for all your help. I am really ignorant when it comes to this stuff.
No, you can't use more than one Rune of Vigor. Only the strongest one will have an effect.
Stances are a specific class of skills. To be in a stance, you have to have used one, such as Sprint.
Stances are a specific class of skills. To be in a stance, you have to have used one, such as Sprint.
Stances Are Skills (Example) Defensive stance...also if u have vigor on i think u can also put vitae runes on....they dont do much but theyre better then nothing +10 health isnt horrible for being able to put on more then one piece of armor
Yes you can stack one vigor and vitae runes, but only one vigor per armor set will take effect.
bog boy
also do u meet the requirements of the shield i know this is dumb question but u may have overlooked it
You don't need to have the req. on the shield to get the hp bonus.