Legendary Defender of Ascalon title

Seraphim of Chaos

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2006

Your Personal Savior [gsus]


Does anyone have it? If so, how long does it take and can I see a picture of the title?



Forge Runner

Join Date: May 2005

The Etereal Guard


200+ hours

Seraphim of Chaos

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2006

Your Personal Savior [gsus]


Originally Posted by lightblade
200+ hours
Are you serious?



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Mar 2006

The Hand of Omega [WHO]


There's a comprehensive guide here

Good luck with it. I couldn't face all that malarky.

Seraphim of Chaos

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2006

Your Personal Savior [gsus]


Originally Posted by Saraphim
There's a comprehensive guide here

Good luck with it. I couldn't face all that malarky.
Thank you for the guide. It seems as though it will take 200ish hours. I've only played 'bout 1000...I'm doing this because I'm getting bored with Guild Wars.

Bukuro Girl

Bukuro Girl

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2006

Tokyo Girls


Originally Posted by Seraphim of Chaos
Thank you for the guide. It seems as though it will take 200ish hours. I've only played 'bout 1000...I'm doing this because I'm getting bored with Guild Wars.
OMG. You are getting bored with guild wars so now you want to try and do the LDA title??? Honestly by the time u get your char to level eleven in pre, (not doing any quests of course), you will be comatose with boredom.

It is so repetitive and mind numbingly boring that I can honestly say don't even bother. It is a complete waste of time.

And before you ask, no, I didn't get my char past level 11 trying to do it. Having to do "char at the wall" with Prince Rurick roughly 140 times starts to get on your nerves. And then the prospect of having to death level some bloody bird and chase char across the wall for the next 180 hours was just beyond me.

I have no life since I found Guild Wars, but shiiite, even I have limits to how inanely boring I can be.

Your time would be better spent, and far more rewarding spamming "WTS elite level 1 runescape account for 60 ecto's".

But, on the other hand... well done to the people who have wasted 200 hours to do it. For that time the world was a safer place. Ummm, maybe some of you could try it again.....



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006


Zaishen Order


ANet ought to take this title under their wing AND make it actually work as it should. Death leveling? Give me a break. Kill the title or make it work properly.


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005


Originally Posted by OlMurraniKasale
ANet ought to take this title under their wing AND make it actually work as it should. Death leveling? Give me a break. Kill the title or make it work properly.
The title works entirely as intended. The method people use to achieve it may not be to your liking, but they're the only method that works. That method is also working as intended, or Anet would have removed it.



Never Too Old

Join Date: Jul 2006

Rhode Island where there are no GW contests

Order of First


Some guilds keep characters in pre to help new players (and if they seem any good to recruit them early). This title gives them something to do in between. It's no more boring than helping a level 3 anything kill that bull 140 times or get them their rez sig 50 times a day.