Oh my God whats the big deal?!!!
Glints Bane
Ok guildwiki and the guild wars site says nothing of this but here...I'm downloading...oh....lets say around 16 freaking thousand files of updates...what is the download that req so much crap? I mean this makes me mad because i have to download it on a slow internet connection and it will take me forever to get it and i cant play during the week. this makes me mad
So could anyone tell me what this update is? thanks in advance.

If you just installed the game or even just reinstalled it, you will be getting over 1.5 years worth of updates. If you have a friend that plays Guild Wars you might ask nicely for him to burn his copy of the .dat file, onto a disc so you wont have to sit there dldingforever. Maybe A-Net and NC-Soft should offer a disc periodicaly for those who are not on highspeed connections that offer the updates not included on the main disc. They could charge a small fee if they offered it retail (please don't get mad I only suggest the fee due to the cost of the disc and making it). Doing that could make life easier. Set it so that the disc hits the marketplace just after a major update or even during the holidays when a few new players may decide to start to play.
Mega Mouse
Mega Mouse
Glints Bane
No i've been playing the game for over a year now, it cant be because im installing the last 1.5 years of updates. Now that i think of it though my dad could of done something. He doesnt really know what hes doing when it comes to computer stuff. I bet he did some thing that erased data. dont know just a thought...So your saying there is no download? today(i did the dec 1 download yesterday)
Dutch Masterr
i dont know, whenever there is a large update, it always takes less than 30 seconds for it to download on my computer. i have a regular cable connection. only time it ever took along time for me was the nightfall preview event.
I would imagine that your GW.dat either got corrupted or something, I also have a Slow connection. What I have taken to doing is makeing a second shortcut and puting the -image flag on it so that it downloads all possible files on the server at that time. I try to run that once a week either by leaving the connection on or what have ya. Here is an example of my shortcut.... "C:\Program Files\Guild Wars\Gw.exe" -image ...Also If u just purchased new campaign you could be downloading the new info for those maps etc....
silent update about DoA
only some ppl have experienced the big download though
only some ppl have experienced the big download though
Ole Man Bourbon
Maybe the devs are uploading some really large secret prize to your account
Glints Bane
Well I think the DAT file was corrupted but yeah. I did get into the game but everywhere i went i had to download anywhere from 600 to 1500 files so last night was not cool(all I did was UW stuff) but yeah well thank yall for your help.