Really simple and straightforward.
A message inbox, just like in the forums. If someone is offline, you can just send a message to them and they will get a notification (the same way you get a notification for a guild announcement in green) when they log in.
Press Y (Your Messages) to open it. There could be a bunch of tabs at the top for Inbox, New Message, Sent Messages, Saved Messages, etc.
It wouldn't be hard to implement and I think it would be a nice, user friendly way to make communication easier.
Also, to make things better, to prevent spam and whatnot, you could have a block feature that not only blocks that player, but deletes all of the emails in your inbox from that player so that you can easily clear your inbox from unwanted WTS spam and other advertisements, while also clearing your inbox from annoying players. (ie. you don't get along with some kid in your party and they decide it would be funny to clog your inbox with fake messages just to bug you.
Is there really a downside to this? I can't think of one, maybe someone else could.
In-game Message Inbox
nope it looks good, lots of benefits here
bog boy
/signed good idea
Excellent Idea!!
Could also make it that only "authorised" ppl can send you messages (ie only those on your friends list, in guild and alliance) - to stop the abuse of WTS spam and other spam as mentioned above.
Excellent Idea!!
Could also make it that only "authorised" ppl can send you messages (ie only those on your friends list, in guild and alliance) - to stop the abuse of WTS spam and other spam as mentioned above.
we need this
we need this
Dark Divinor
Brilliant idea. Really simple, really easy to implement.
It'd be harder to implement than you folks think...
Anyway, this falls under the In-Game Mail category, which is already listed in our Index of Ideas and therefore does not need any more threads created about it.
Anyway, this falls under the In-Game Mail category, which is already listed in our Index of Ideas and therefore does not need any more threads created about it.