Guild Sales...


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Mar 2006

Ok so I have a guild with everything bought. However, I dont want to run the guild anymore. I put a lot of gold (most everything I've gathered) since I unlocked all the npcs myself with my own gold it's a terrible waste. I heard from a person that they sold their max guild for 300-500k. My questions are a few.

1) How much could a guild go for, it has no faction alignment none of that stuff, no rank. All unlocks as stated before, etc.
2) How would I go about selling it I've been people spam ingame for selling guilds... but I'm not sure... I'm really not a guild person I just want to PvE with my friends, etc.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Dec 2005

Summoners of Forgotten Gods


How many active people are in the guild? If there's none then sell the guild like normal, but if you have a lot of active people maybe offer to sell it to them.

What's the name of the guild? I think that could affect the price. If the guild has a good name it could sell for more.

Post your trade spam in game like any other item for sale in the major cities, or use the trade forums to sell it.

It comes in handy to be in a guild (even if you're the only person in the guild) with a fully-loaded guild hall. Sometimes you might want to be able to access certain merchants without leaving the area you're in. For example, if you were farming in the Realm of Torment and wanted to get to certain merchants you could just go to Guild Hall, and get back again easy by clicking "leave guild hall" without having to go through the Vortex twice. In Factions this is especially helpful for areas like the Deep or Urgoz so you don't need to find a ferry again. Don't just give the guild away for 50k or so, cause the convenience of having it is worth more than that.