Why does the new elite tihng suck so much?
...Yeah....it sucks, its making people play together, which some people dont want to do (like me), and its making everyone use the exact same builds....tis bullshit and gay...

You don't have to play it. You don't have to play this game at all so stop whining.
/closethread :/
/closethread :/
The Pointless
I think I may change my mind about Heroes being a good thing...
As for the cookie-cutter builds, that's not ANet's fault, it's the fault of the imbecile majority who are too dense to come up with their own builds. End of story. Full stop.
As for the cookie-cutter builds, that's not ANet's fault, it's the fault of the imbecile majority who are too dense to come up with their own builds. End of story. Full stop.
You want a single player MMO? whatever you say, hermit.
Anarion Silverhand
Seeing as this thread serves no purpose I see no reason for it to be open.
Please take your whining elsewhere.
Please take your whining elsewhere.