UNSTABLE party window
When is Anet going to fix the UNSTABLE party window so that it doesn't randomly resets its size when adding people? IMO, they should make the party window auto adjust size to the party size.
I so agree, it's so annoying when somebody you want to join adds your party and you can't press the button so you have to reject everyone above.
It's somehow annoying, but you just have to resize it to see it correctly.
I agree but this should sort of be in suggestions forum or the bugs one...
The accept box sometimes erraticly doesn't give you a slider and overflows...
The party size window should definitely resize though
The accept box sometimes erraticly doesn't give you a slider and overflows...
The party size window should definitely resize though
I concur. Not with Mithran.
I also remember a LONG while ago (back near release of Proph) saying that particular bug was fixed, however I haven't noticed this problem disappear.
I also remember a LONG while ago (back near release of Proph) saying that particular bug was fixed, however I haven't noticed this problem disappear.
it is pretty damned annoying.
Thorondor Port
Originally Posted by MithranArkanere
It's somehow annoying, but you just have to resize it to see it correctly.
I love it.
Anet fix thanks
It's been there since Chapter 1 and it's not annoying to the point that I'd rage about it.
its annoying and stupid careless programming / design
hahaha its really annying
Originally Posted by Thorondor Port
And then when you enter mission or go outside or start whatever your doing, suprise! the party screen is giant.
I love it. Anet fix thanks |
Usually even if i resize nothing happens, there names are still in the way of Deny, or accept.
When you get time A-net =D
When you get time A-net =D
The party window that you resize and place in an instance will always stay there so that is not the issue. It's the one inside towns that goes wacko when people join up. It like never stays the same size and jumps a lot. You think they could fix this where the window stays the same size just like in instances?
It's slightly annoying but can be easily fixed. But what happens to me is that i have a window big enough for 8 people and when the 8th person comes in, it sizes down to show two people and goes into a random corner. I dont' know why it does that but it does get slightly irritating.
Needs fixing, get it fixed Anet, please.
I occasionally have this problem when joining a party or having people join a party that I'm in and it's anoying.
/signed to ArenaNet fixing it so it doesn't randomly resize and move when you join a party or people join your party
/not signed to the party window auto sizing
/signed to ArenaNet fixing it so it doesn't randomly resize and move when you join a party or people join your party
/not signed to the party window auto sizing
Yes please fix.
Thorondor Port
Originally Posted by MithranArkanere
Not for me, when I resize it, it keeps that size from then on.
bump for fix
In my experience, the party window when I'm in an explorable zone and the party window in a town are unrelated as to size. I could have just been playing Venta Cemetery, had the window sized up to hold all the NPCs, and when I go back in the window is small again. Next time I go out, it's large again.
I've also seen it resize itself, usually when people invite into a group. There could be plenty of room at the bottom of the window to hold the invite section, but it tacks it onto the bottom, shooting the window size up.
Finally, I've seen sometimes (usually when adding heroes/henchmen) the scroll bar appearing at around 5 members, and then disappearing when I add the next member. The scroll bar isn't needed; the party window is larger than the group.
I've also seen it resize itself, usually when people invite into a group. There could be plenty of room at the bottom of the window to hold the invite section, but it tacks it onto the bottom, shooting the window size up.
Finally, I've seen sometimes (usually when adding heroes/henchmen) the scroll bar appearing at around 5 members, and then disappearing when I add the next member. The scroll bar isn't needed; the party window is larger than the group.
The game saves two settings for the party window. One for in towns 'n outposts and one for explorable areas. Manually adjusting the size is like the easiest thing since playing rit lord.