need quest info im stuck "a mesterious message"
The Alpha Male
I am stuck at a certain spot in nightfall. I just did the "a mesterious message" quest where you have to go meet some old guy and Margrid the Sly @ the Monument of the Defeat of Palawa Joko. You get to choose whether to go demon hunting or to save Kormir. I chose to go with Margrid and save Kormir. we traveled and retreived a map from Shifty Lem. Margrid took the map and now I dont know what to do next. I've been stuck without any quests for a week now. PLEASE HELP!
The Pointless
Didn't you accept the next quest from her?

Knightsaber Sith
If you didn't get the next quest from her; see if she's standing outside Yolan Haven.