FDS nerf/bug? cannot salvage fire dmg hilt anymore?
Enchanted Warrior
The last 4 or 5 (some blue some purple) FDS's I have looted will not let me salvage (using regular or expert kits) the fire damage hilt since the big upgrade. Is this a bug or nerf? Come to think of it the purple FDS was from before the big upgrade but tried to salvage it after.
It's a permanent attachment to the weapon which makes it impossible to remove/salvage.
Hou Lifu
Yeah, now that they've implemented the system where you have the chance to keep the weapon, it won't work with the FDS, as the fiery hilt is a permanent component of it, and wouldn't really be an FDS without it :P
Enchanted Warrior
Ok makes sense..Thankie
The Pointless
Could you even salv the Fiery Hilt before?
I thought you could, Im not sure, but the wiki is interesting.
Enchanted Warrior
I could a while back, I have one on my mule if I recall correctly.
I have always been able to and still do get the fiery hilt off of FDS's. It may be something with the titles now that they have implemented some ofthe new features. The higher your wisdom tite the more likely that you will get good items from salvaging Usualy though when I do salvage a FDS it destroys the sword.
Mega Mouse
Mega Mouse
Originally Posted by MegaMouse
I have always been able to and still do get the fiery hilt off of FDS's. It may be something with the titles now that they have implemented some ofthe new features. The higher your wisdom tite the more likely that you will get good items from salvaging Usualy though when I do salvage a FDS it destroys the sword.
Mega Mouse |
cause no one can salvage them with r3
^- But you still can't salvage the hilt, Gorebex
I remember seeing somewhere that someone from ANet (might've been Gaile or Jeff or James) who said that it would be possible to salvage the Fire Hilts off of FDS's in Nightfall.
It might be to stop you making Sundering Dragon Swords with an FDS skin.
Shame really cos i wanted 1 a Vampiric Dragon Sword
Shame really cos i wanted 1 a Vampiric Dragon Sword

Could it be something to do with identifying the weapon? Before you identify it you do not know the mods attached, even though its obvious what hilt will be on a Fiery Dragon Sword.
Could it be something to do with identifying the weapon? Before you identify it you do not know the mods attached, even though its obvious what hilt will be on a Fiery Dragon Sword.
The Pointless
Originally Posted by Evilsod
It might be to stop you making Sundering Dragon Swords with an FDS skin.
Shame really cos i wanted 1 a Vampiric Dragon Sword ![]() |
When I got hold of an FDS way back in March, I found I couldn't apply a new hilt to it, so I doubt the recent changes to the salvage system have anything to do with that.
Originally Posted by apoggy
Could it be something to do with identifying the weapon? Before you identify it you do not know the mods attached, even though its obvious what hilt will be on a Fiery Dragon Sword.
Only if there is anything else but damage on it like +15%dmg^50 it will have "Unidentified" on it as well.
And that's for the reason the 1st person that replied mentioned -.- adding that thats also the reason why u cant make it sundering.... or a FDS Icy ^_^
Originally Posted by Arduinna
^- But you still can't salvage the hilt, Gorebex
Originally Posted by MegaMouse
I have always been able to and still do get the fiery hilt off of FDS's. It may be something with the titles now that they have implemented some ofthe new features. The higher your wisdom tite the more likely that you will get good items from salvaging Usualy though when I do salvage a FDS it destroys the sword.
Mega Mouse |
It would seem to me that they have changed it so you can no longer salvage off the hilt of a fds.
You USED to be able do, I did so in the past.
Never could you add a different hilt to the fds however.
You USED to be able do, I did so in the past.
Never could you add a different hilt to the fds however.
What about the Fiery Gladius in Nightfall? Does it work the same way?
Originally Posted by milias
What about the Fiery Gladius in Nightfall? Does it work the same way?
You cannot apply Sword Hilts to the Fiery Gladius, like a Fiery Dragon Sword it always has a Fiery Sword Hilt. Nor can you salvage the Fiery Sword Hilt from the Fiery Galdius; you can only salvage crafting materials.
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