I've been using Firefox for browsing the GWG site and forum for ages, but since 5 hours ago I am not longer able to open or refresh GWG (site and forum) in Firefox.
I can open any of them in IE though.
I certainly did not change anything; I got this problem just out of the blue when I tried to refresh a discussion page and got a timeout. After that I cleared cache and cookies, but this did not help.
What might be the reason? Could it be that you guys changed something at your side? How can I get my Firefox browsing back?
cannot open GWG (site and forum) in Firefox
Well, haven't heard that one before. Since about 40% of the people browsing this site use Firefox I'm curious to hear from others on if this is happening to them.
Wrath Of Dragons
no. Mine keeps giving me outdated pages even with cahche set to 0mb
Knightsaber Sith
I don't have any problem accessing it with firefox; but I too keep getting the old style layout for some reason.
I have the same problem, randomly about 2 times a day it'll switch to the old style and I have to reselect the new one again. Sorry, I know that wasn't very helpful I don't really know what's causing it right now.
=== double-post glitch ===
Glad to report that the problem got solved when I closed the browser and rebooted my machine. No problems with refreshing pages in Firefox since then.
By the way, I still use the old skin: for some reason, the new one doesn't get scaled down to fit into my window (I have the Quick Launch bar at the right side of my screen).
By the way, I still use the old skin: for some reason, the new one doesn't get scaled down to fit into my window (I have the Quick Launch bar at the right side of my screen).