hey sorry guys this may be a simple problem but its got me stuck, i am unable to post my avatar the picture is jpeg format and its the right size
i tried using imageshack but all of the links give the error invalid file, and if i try using the browse option it says file is to large 26.5kb vs gw guru allows 19.5kb
if anyone culd help mei wuld greatly appreciate it
Guildwars guru avatar question + help?
It's probably too high of a quality. Can you post it here by any chance?
What format is the pic in? If its .bmp, you might want to save it in a different format. Use Paint if you have no other image editing pograms, as Paint doesnt do the best job with size/quality. Try a .png format, that usually gives nearly the same quality as bitmap, but at smaller file size.
i use adobe photoshop on my xps m1210, and i save the file as jpeg resized to 100x100 if u want i coudl post my picture on here and if it cuodl be possible u coudl resize i would really appreciate it.
Save it as a .png - Mine wouldn't fit, but with a convert from .jpg to .png worked.