How did they nurf Droks Run.
If u can tell me please cause once I got finished with Ascention i would like to do that run.
AI will chase you much longer so I'd imagine you loose all the precious breakpoints making it close to impossible. What do you mean with like to do the run? You would like to get it, or give it to people? Cause if it's the first case then don't botter, when you've ascended you're there (well, after dragons lair).
Nerfed as the previous poster has mentioned the spawns don't give you a chance to take a break.
Funny thing was ANet said they didn't mind having runners in the game, yet they nerfed this to Oblivion bar the few people that can do it still (after many tries to get a perfect spawn (that was the last time I needed a run to see the route so I can try myself)).
Funny thing was ANet said they didn't mind having runners in the game, yet they nerfed this to Oblivion bar the few people that can do it still (after many tries to get a perfect spawn (that was the last time I needed a run to see the route so I can try myself)).
The nerf to it was a side effect of the updated AI, not an intentional nerf to the Drok's run. If you want max armour you can just get a ship to Kaineng from LA anway.
I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that the run from Beacon's Perch to Droknar's Forge was designed, it was meant to be hard, but possible, as a shortcut.
I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that the run from Beacon's Perch to Droknar's Forge was designed, it was meant to be hard, but possible, as a shortcut.
They nerfed that run to stop low level players from making it to Droknars Forge by themselves. They added quite a few Wurms (at last count 11) and more enemies, aslo upping the AI and aggro lvl conciderably. The run is not impossible, just close enough totake a lot of runners out of the picture.
Mega Mouse
Mega Mouse
Sophitia Leafblade
They also boosted the damage the enemys there do especially the Ice golems and imps, added more creatures and moved some of the spawns around slightly
Xenex Xclame
They cant boost the damage, they either gave them new skills,made them higher level or stuff like that, if the monsters skills got upped so would ours.
The game is balanced even against lvl 28 monsters ( yes even those 150 damage barrages O_O)
The game is balanced even against lvl 28 monsters ( yes even those 150 damage barrages O_O)