Guild Wars or not?


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Dec 2006



Updated post: I purchased the original GW (Prophecies) and have started a Warrior/Monk. Really enjoying the game so far. (End update)

I've been a hardcore World of Warcraft players since the game was released and have a wide range of level 60 characters. Now, however, I've been forced to stop playing WoW for both social and economic reasons (I just can't be arsed to pay that monthly fee any more). Now I've been considering if getting Guild Wars would be a good idea, and I have to ask those of you out there that have experience preferably from both WoW and Guild Wars:

Is it worth getting Guild Wars? If so, should I get the original game or one of the "expansions"? I've been reading arround forums and reviews for the games and been scoping out comparisons between GW and WoW (even though WoW allways seems to win the argument). I'm tempted to get Factions first, cause the Assassin class sounds like fun playing. :P But from what I've read of the reviews of the original and the expansions, Factions doesn't sound as fun in the long-run as the original.

Now, I know, I'll probably end up getting the original first anyways, and then later maybe the expansions, but I just wanted to hear what you folks think is the best to get. Which is the most fun, and why?

I'd love to hear your oppinion.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Dec 2005

Denmark, Karup.



If you were a hardcore WoW gamer, I don't think you will like GW very much, I like them both, but then again I am only a newbie in WoW.



Walking Wiki

Join Date: Nov 2006

Isle of Medication

Visitors from Aranna [VFA]


It really depends on your PoV. If you want a slow and easy introduction to GW and the mechanics of the game, get Prophecies (the original). If you want to develop your character at lightning speed and see a lot more emphasis on action and PvP style play, go for Factions. I haven't played Nightfall yet so I can't give an opinion on it, but my assumption is that it's somewhere between the two extremes.

My personal favourite of the two that I have so far is Factions. I found it to be much more challenging than Prophecies and the breakneck speed doesn't make it much easier - but therein lies the fun for me. I like it when I'm forced to think fast and act faster. I have an assassin myself, and he's a lot of fun to play with. He's quite difficult to handle and he dances like a complete fool, but he's a very efficient killer now that I've spent a coupla months expanding his skill repertoire and fine-tuning his builds.

And the argument about GW vs WoW was settled in a dance-off - for my money, GW comes out on top :P



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jan 2006

south mississippi

Warriors Of Melos WOM


As haveing played both WoW and GW, I prefer GW. The main reason is the monthly fee. In GW there is none so you dont have to worry with that. I also have several LVL 60 characters in WoW and I have finished all three chapters of GW. The main thing about GW is it is based on skill, most if not all fights last a while depending on the skill of those involved. There is no unbalance like in WoW where most fights are won by the one who has the highest LVL. I also personaly like the graphics better, they seem to jump out at you sometimes, making yu just want to stand and enjoy the sights and sounds.
The only drawback is there is only one playable race, Human. That can be an asset though as most players seeem to like it that way.
An Assasin in not realy a good profession to learn the game with due to their low armor points and propenticyto be right in the middle of the fight. I have an Assasin and love to play the class myself though, but I hve beeen playing for quite a while and know the limitations of each class. Your choice of class is entirely up to you though, just choose a class that matches your play style, if you like to be up close then the Warrior, Assasin, and Dervish are for you. For those that like to hang back the Elementalist, Mesmer, Ritualist, and Paragon are right on target. The monk and Mesmer and Ranger are for those that like to mainly support others. Then theres the Necromancer, This class can be used several ways depending on how you have the attribute points set up, a Necro can be set up for front line or back line, the flexability is there. Each class can use any of the others as a secondary to supplement your first choice. The combinations are limitless on how you can set up your character.
When you first start don't limit yourself to one secondary, try out each one before making a decesion. Also only certian classes are available to each chapter. The core professions Warrior, Monk, Elementalist, Ranger, Mesmer, and Necromancer are available to all chapters but are the originals from Profecies. The Assasin and Ritualist are from Factions, and the Paragon and Dervish are from Nightfall. So be aware that you will not have all classes available to all chapters.
Hope you like GW as I do.

Mega Mouse



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jun 2006


Ordo Chaotika


I think I've posted a couple of times regarding WoW and GW comparisons for prospective players but this time, I'm just going to make a brief one. :P

- WoW has alot more to offer than GW in terms of gameplay variety (GW is more or less mob-killing-centric only, WoW has professions)
- GW is more fast-paced and hassle-free in terms of gameplay (less realistic such as no need for ammo, pet-feeding, manual travelling, etc)
- GW is instanced all around (dungeon-style) unlike WoW (where only dungeons are instanced)
- Certain chapters of GW don't provide the freedom to access different places at will (need to fulfil certain requirements) unlike WoW
- GW character skills and attributes are highly customizable (added attribute points and secondary professions can all be readjusted) at no or low additional costs respectively

Basically, if you had enjoyed the variety of feature that WoW offers, you'll find that GW probably doesn't offer half as much. GW mob-killing is more fast-paced, more enjoyable but it can get repetitive. Ultimately, if monthly subscription is the prime issue here, you should really consider if the lack in gameplay variety (of GW) matters to you as to whether it would be worth buying.

As for which chapter to purchase, the original (what we call Prophecies) is a good start. If you're more of a solo player, it would be good to get Nightfall together as well for the ability to use heroes. If storyline matters, it would be good to follow the chapter sequence (though not neccessary). Some positive things I feel about each chapter:

- Best adventuring experience of all 3 chapters, with the freedom to move almost anywhere
- Some quests rewards new skills, quests in other chapters don't have this
- Access to more endgame areas
- Has a dedicated special area which helps new players to get to know the game better (boot camp)

- More PvP game modes introduced into PvE, such as certain challenge missions

- Missions/quests are more well-thought out and interesting compared to the rest
- Better in-game cinematics
- Introduction of Hero system adds new flavour to gameplay and also helps solo players get by with the game, however, obsessive use of heroes makes the game feel single-player



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2006


Guild Wars and WoW are different games. While GW offers PvE and PvP, it is mainly focused on the PvP side. WoW is more PvE focused, there is a lot to do in WoW and is much much slower paced. As much as WoW repetetive grind in near to every aspect, I found GW more fun and more thrilling compare to WoW. I also found used more content unlike in WoW, where you just do things to level something. And never used it again.

GW characters and game are more freely customizable. You can have a primary and secondary professions and you unlock mainly skills as well as items. Unlocking skills and items is account based. So once you have that item stats, you can make a PvP character with the same item stats. You can do this by PvE or PvP means.

You also don't loose anything when you die. You do have a death penalty, but you loose this once you go into a town or outpost.

WoW will always seem "better" because it has a lot more people playing on it, but there is also a limit WoW has on connecting with people. You can interact with ANY player across the world in GW. You can meet with them and play with them if you want.

As much as I enjoyed WoW. Guild Wars has seem'd be to better in gameplay mechanics and more user friendly. You can actually do all of the content in Guild Wars.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Oct 2005

To keep up with the trend and playerbase (majority), then the latest chapter is the right way to go. But if you wish to experience the birth of guildwars the correct way, the way most players did, the 1st chapter Prophecies will be the solution. Well, factions ain't as bad as most people make it out to be, it is fast paced, competitive action.

The first chapter will have the most skills you can have, the subsequent chapters have slightly lesser. But seriously, out of all guildwars skills, i think only 20-30% of them are frequently used. Though i would recommend to get all 3 chapters, this will be a risky investment from someone who is new to guildwars. Maybe you get the trial keys from some of the members here for all 3 chapters and see which is more to your liking first.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Dec 2006



From the feedback you guys have so kindly provided it sounds like Guild Wars will be an enjoyable experience, and the best idea will probably be to just start by getting the original (Prophecies). However, the travel methods (i.e. instant travel to wherever and such) and the fact that everything is instanced will probably be the main factors to me disliking the experience, but that's not really a huge problem. I loved the free-roaming feel of WoW, where I could just go anywhere, and I really had to walk/run/ride (Epic Mount for the win. ) to whatever place I needed to go, not just click a map and instantly I'd be there. The fact that no area except dungeons were instanced also was very enjoyable, cause you allways find people that are extrordinarilly fun playing with and interacting with when you're out adventuring, wether it be an Alliance player or a Horde.

Overlooking the negative aspects, I'm sure I'll enjoy playing Guild Wars. At least I hope I will. Thanks for the feedback, everyone, it's all greatly appretiated.



Walking Wiki

Join Date: Nov 2006

Isle of Medication

Visitors from Aranna [VFA]


When you do start playing, do let us know. We'd be happy to join you in-game and pass on some of the tricks we've learned (and I'm sure you could teach most of us a thing or two as well)


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2006

Xen of Oblivion


Originally Posted by LeoLeonardo
I've been a hardcore World of Warcraft players since the game was released and have a wide range of level 60 characters. Now, however, I've been forced to stop playing WoW for both social and economic reasons (I just can't be arsed to pay that monthly fee any more). Now I've been considering if getting Guild Wars would be a good idea, and I have to ask those of you out there that have experience preferably from both WoW and Guild Wars:

Is it worth getting Guild Wars? If so, should I get the original game or one of the "expansions"? I've been reading arround forums and reviews for the games and been scoping out comparisons between GW and WoW (even though WoW allways seems to win the argument). I'm tempted to get Factions first, cause the Assassin class sounds like fun playing. :P But from what I've read of the reviews of the original and the expansions, Factions doesn't sound as fun in the long-run as the original.

Now, I know, I'll probably end up getting the original first anyways, and then later maybe the expansions, but I just wanted to hear what you folks think is the best to get. Which is the most fun, and why?

I'd love to hear your oppinion.
Great question. I was in a similar position, played WoW since closed beta more than two years ago, tons of 60s. But bored shitless now waiting until the BCE is finished.

On a whim, I got a copy of Factions on release, but didn't really play it at all until two months ago, when I just picked it up again.

Now, it's all history. I have all three games now (prophecies, factions, nightfall), not even close to completing them (nearly finished with Factions!). I LOVE the pvp in GW. It works just like a sport and it's absolutely true that it's all skill.

The PvE is great if you can find groups, and the game engine performs beautifully on nearly any computer. I think it's fair to say that managing the Henchies is a pain the arse on the high-end content, but Nightfall is worth the price just to have real heroes at your side.

I advise: run don't walk, you'll love GW. Get into a good guild and you'll be glad. PvE and PvP both are great, and there are a lot of very helpful fun people to play alongside.

If you have to pick one of the three to start, get Prophecies (original), or Nightfall. You'll definitely want nightfall eventually just for the Heroes, they're great.



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Dec 2006



Once again, cheers for all the great feedback. Went out today and bought the original Guild Wars, which is selling for the same ammount as a 60-day gamecard to WoW right now here in Sweden, so I think it was well worth it.

Just made a new character, and if any of you want to come arround and give me some pointers, I'll be online as:

Emi Jeges

I'm playing on the Global server (from Europe, not sure if that matters).

Right now it's doing some downloading of game content, so I don't know if there will be any more precise server chosing later, as there is in WoW, but I'll add that if there is.


Dutch Masterr

Dutch Masterr

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2006

Long Island, NY

Elite Knights [SWAT]


my suggestion would be to get nightfall first for one reason--playing prophecies/factions as a new player will be very difficult because they are both becomming deserted, while nightfall is mobbed. i would get factions too for assassins, ritualists and alliance battles. prophecies has some of the games greatest skills and will prepare you for the other chapters.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Oct 2005

Nashville TN



i believe i talked to you concerning this on another forum board, if not it was someone with the exact situation your facing. i highly recommand GW to other players, and i believe that it could potentially be the next WoW, only this time it's F2P. my reasoning for such a bold statement is that WoW although a great game in it's own respect and as many things as it has done for the MMO gaming industry is growing dated... current mmo's offer much more and GW is leading those with however many million users it is at now(2 million shortly after factions release, compared to the approx 6 million WoW accts active.) that shows it's rapidly catching up to what many call the greatest MMO ever. also not everone can put 40+hours a week into a game. gw offers a much more balanced game world for all of it's players and is constantly changing and growing. sure we complain about the nerfs of our favorite builds, but we always make new ones that are just as effective(those nerfs also help stabalize the economy) anyways buy Nightfall play it enjoy it if you don't like it your out as little as $35(lowest price i've seen)


Elite Guru

Join Date: Jan 2006


Originally Posted by LeoLeonardo

Emi Jeges

I'm playing on the Global server (from Europe, not sure if that matters).

Right now it's doing some downloading of game content, so I don't know if there will be any more precise server chosing later, as there is in WoW, but I'll add that if there is.

You could switch servers 4 times and then you are locked into that server permanently. There are a few servers: Europe, American, Japan, Korean, Taiwan, & China (not sure if this one is up yet). It really doesn't matter which server you are one unless you want to get into Underworld or Fissure of Woe (high end areas). When that happens you can only get into those areas when your server has favor and only with the people in your server. For the regular missions and quests,you can play with anyone from any server by meeting in international districts.

Welcome to GW.

Deathdealer Mikie

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Dec 2006

One Wing Angels


You should get Nightfall, IT'S AWSOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Riken Chrono

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Dec 2005

around the corner and up the block


you should get tetris or viva pinata. their 1337

Kid Divinity

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2006

Zydian Coven


Campaign preference can go either way. I wouldn't recommend Assassin as the first character, though. Some people find them hard to keep alive and, for that reason, they have trouble getting groups. I would recommend starting with one of the ranged damage classes... Elementalist, Necro, Ranger. Mesmers are fun, but to be effective, you have to know a bit more about the game.

g-wars noob

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Dec 2006

Random Beating Service


WoW has more grinding and it got really boring after awhile, i had a 55 paladin.