Originally Posted by shardfenix
The thing about making it easier for the monks is complete BS. I play monk almost every time someone invites me to a group, and I could be slot 1 for all I care. The only way it ever helps me is if there's a necro saccing health or something. Other than that, reordering doesnt help at all.
It doesnt help
YOU it helps a lott of other monks.
The reorderwith melee classes being on top paragons and rangers in middle and casters at bottom is also somewhat of how the battle field is.
If we your in a mission with 12 people , you expect the melee characters to be taking damage most of the time.
If you see players on the bottom start taking damage you know the enemies are getting closer to you too, seeing as you as a monk would usually be in the back.
For healing it doesnt matter that much, since you end up healing anyone thats going down anyways, as one poster said, he ends up healing the saccing necro anyways.
PS. This explanation was true untill the AI upgrade, now things are different, but i guess people are just used to it.