Why re-order?


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Oct 2006



Just a quick question as I'm wondering why people do this.. (I mean reorder to put caster classes and monks at the bottom of a party list). I can understand the concept for using it to split the party when you have two healing monks so one does top half and one does bottom half.
However they also do it for such groups as b/p parties in tombs.. Is this just to put the mm necro at the top to make sure he doesn't die and minions go out of control? (as surely the monk should be watching for spiking on everyone). Just though I'd ask

Knightsaber Sith

Knightsaber Sith

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Aug 2006

Few Fallen Heroes [FFH]


Just easier to focus on who needs heals the most.


Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2006



Originally Posted by silara_jorinset
Just a quick question as I'm wondering why people do this.. (I mean reorder to put caster classes and monks at the bottom of a party list). I can understand the concept for using it to split the party when you have two healing monks so one does top half and one does bottom half.
However they also do it for such groups as b/p parties in tombs.. Is this just to put the mm necro at the top to make sure he doesn't die and minions go out of control? (as surely the monk should be watching for spiking on everyone). Just though I'd ask
Nopes who is "on top" and who is not has realy nothing much to do with "u do top half i do bottom."

There are places where moving your mouse to the party window, and clicking, and clicking or hitting a skillkey _while_ trying to keep on the move just takes to much time.

So the mouse is used for camera angles angles mainly. Movement with the keyboard, and players selection is done using the numerical pad on the rightside of our keyboards.

Now.. there are places where you enter with a party of 12. And there is only keys 1-9 (and there is no partymember 0) so u want the partymembers that u expect to heal most on top.

I need WoH on 3? 3-1
Need Breeze on 5? 5-2

Ps. a bp tombs party that needs mm on top need another mm or monk.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005

Tucson, AZ

The Black Hand Gang [BHG] and The Black Helm Gang [BHeG]

As a monk in Tombs, for instance, I enjoy having all the clues I can about what's going on. Knowing my necros are deliberately losing health helps me keep restraint on wasted energy to heal them when they are safe as houses; knowing where they are in the party window assists in this. (I usually end up healing them anyway...)

When I'm battery in Tombs, I'm constantly BR-ing the monk and occasionally the MM, it makes sense they be adjacent so I don't accidentally BR a ranger while "searching" for my target in the party window.




Join Date: Dec 2005

Il Power Overwhelming Il [HaX]

The thing about making it easier for the monks is complete BS. I play monk almost every time someone invites me to a group, and I could be slot 1 for all I care. The only way it ever helps me is if there's a necro saccing health or something. Other than that, reordering doesnt help at all.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2006


Originally Posted by shardfenix
The thing about making it easier for the monks is complete BS. I play monk almost every time someone invites me to a group, and I could be slot 1 for all I care. The only way it ever helps me is if there's a necro saccing health or something. Other than that, reordering doesnt help at all.
well in tombs, as was mentioned above and in the OP, you do have necros saccing health, two in fact. the MM should be hitting BotM, and you should have an orders saccing himself like crazy. in that case, its good for the monk to know who he needs to heal and who he can leave alone. i know while playing orders, i hate having the monk hit me with a heal other. hell, i barely have enough total health to ever even warrant a heal other.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2006


None atm


As a monk I prefer having this order in the party:

Warrior, Paragon, Dervish, Ranger, Sin, Ele, Rit, Mesmer, Monk. That's the order they get their asses kicked in, usually .



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2006

If you make it so 1 monk heals the top half, and the other monk heals the bottom half, and you order it to try to make it equal for the monks (as in each monk has a war to heal, a class with 70 armor to heal, and two casters), then it can be helpful. The only thing is this is only usefull when you are doing a hard mission/quest.

If you aren't reordering it for the reason I said above (such as most of the tombs farming groups), then it's just so the monks know where the more important people are more easily (such as the necros), and can make sure to keep those more important people alive.

Xenex Xclame

Xenex Xclame

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2006



Originally Posted by shardfenix
The thing about making it easier for the monks is complete BS. I play monk almost every time someone invites me to a group, and I could be slot 1 for all I care. The only way it ever helps me is if there's a necro saccing health or something. Other than that, reordering doesnt help at all.
It doesnt help YOU it helps a lott of other monks.

The reorderwith melee classes being on top paragons and rangers in middle and casters at bottom is also somewhat of how the battle field is.

If we your in a mission with 12 people , you expect the melee characters to be taking damage most of the time.

If you see players on the bottom start taking damage you know the enemies are getting closer to you too, seeing as you as a monk would usually be in the back.

For healing it doesnt matter that much, since you end up healing anyone thats going down anyways, as one poster said, he ends up healing the saccing necro anyways.

PS. This explanation was true untill the AI upgrade, now things are different, but i guess people are just used to it.


Chasing Dragons

Join Date: May 2005

Lost in La-La Land



As a monk, I generally prefer to be at/near the bottom of the list with my "tank" at/near the top. Party window isn't the only thing that I watch, and I am sure that nearly all the other monks in the game will tell you the same. However, it is an important, objective source of information. Placing the "most likely to be in need of healing/protecting" near the top makes them easier to keep an eye on.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Sep 2005


Gui1d War스 P01ic트 [Pr으]


Originally Posted by shardfenix
The thing about making it easier for the monks is complete BS. I play monk almost every time someone invites me to a group, and I could be slot 1 for all I care. The only way it ever helps me is if there's a necro saccing health or something. Other than that, reordering doesnt help at all.
Because clearly you are everybody that plays the game.