Question about skill/spells.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Dec 2006

What exactly is the single most damaging skill/spell in Prohecies? Or the entire GUild wars series?


Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2006



Spectral Agony

Spectral Agony is a monster skill that can only be used by Mursaat, Jade Armors, and Jade Bows.

Campaign: Prophecies

Profession: Monster
Attribute: Unlinked
Type: Skill
Ct ¼ / Rc 15

Skill. For 5 seconds, target foe suffers 1...24 Health degeneration, moves, attacks and uses skills up to 80% slower than normal, and loses 3...81 Health each second.

That's 600 dmg in 5 Seconds.

If you mean as a skill players can use, i think:

Meteor Shower
Campaign: Prophecies
Profession: Elementalist
Attribute: Fire Magic
Type: Spell

Cost 25 Ct 5 / Rc 60

Create a Meteor Shower at target foe's location. For 9 seconds, foes adjacent to that location are struck for 7...91 fire damage and knocked down every 3 seconds. This Spell causes Exhaustion.

That's 91 at 12 Fire Magic. Its 119 at 16 Fire Magic. Provided the enemy doesnt move thats 357 Dmg. (Ofcourse thats BEFORE armor!)

This skill is used with the Mesmer skill Arcane Echo, that sais when its used, for 20 sec. it wil be replaced withe the next skill used, for 20 seconds. Allowing you to cast more than one Meteor Shower.

What if...

What if...

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2006


Spectral Agony is without a doubt the game's single most damaging skill, but realistically you're not going to make someone take the full brunt of a single meteor shower without alot of extra skills to shut down movement. Taking that into consideration I think the hardest skill you're going to hit some one with is decapitate which will hit for whereabouts 120 damage and add deep wound for a total of around 220 hp damage.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005


Wizardry Players Guild,

Versus what? There are armor, resistance, counters, etc that all come into play so it is not a very straight forward question to answer.

What about Backfire on a fast-casting (and stupid) opponent? 154 damage per spell cast.

Put that on a warrior and it is no effect. Remove the hex and no effect, depending on who removes the hex.

So you need to narrow down the scope before such a question can be answered.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Dec 2006

Like a skill/spell that does pure raw damage to lets say,an anarmored oppenent that doesnt rely on conditions, actions, or hexes, enchantments and the like to attain its raw damage output.

Something like Decapitate sounds nice, meteor shower would be alright but as that guy said, probably won't be able to attain its mamimum damage since guys will most likely walk out of the area anyways.

But can you even get decapitate in propecies only?




Join Date: Mar 2006


Lievs Death Squad [LDS]

Empathy = 49 (i think) at lvl17 Domination.

Barrage = 6 targets

Empathy = 294 damage in 1 go.

Not sure if it works on Cyclone Axe/Triple Chop but that could be higher. Much higher.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005


Wizardry Players Guild,



Spell. A fiery phoenix rises at your location, striking adjacent foes for 7...91 fire damage, and flies out to your target, exploding on impact. This explosion strikes for an additional 15...75 fire damage.

vs an adjacent opponent. You could hit 250 (fire = 16 +2 boost from glyph +1 from 20% item)

Your conditions won't be met unless you're playing a level 20 in the starter area and then it simply doesn't matter.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2006

OP, your really the only one that can answer this question for you. There are many good skills and spells in the game.

In situation 1, skill A might be stronger than skills B and C. But then in situation 2, skills B and C might be as strong as each other, and stronger than A. Then in situation 3, all 3 skills might be weak.

It really just depends on how often you find a certain situation, and which skills you think are best during that situation.

Now if you include enemy-only skills, then this might happen.

Enemy-only skills A and B are incredibly powerfull in situation 1, 2, and 3 (and just about any other situation you can think of), and are way better than skills A, B, and C (and a lot of other skills too)

Marty Silverblade

Marty Silverblade


Join Date: Jun 2006

Decapitate comes to mind...

It's always a critical hit so it will do 125 dmg to a max AL squishy + ~100 dmg deep wound. A total of 225 dmg. Of course you lose all energy and adrenaline so your screwed for a bit afterwardsw.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005


Servants of Fortuna [SoF]


[skill]Grenth's Balance[/skill]

Potentially the most damaging, only limit is how high you can get your max health. Armour ignoring too, unlike all that weak fire magic.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Dec 2006

Interesting, any other idea's?



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2006

Vahalla's Heros


I hate to break it to you guys, but its really a mesmer spell. bummer I know.

Manta of Persistance (For 30 seconds, any Illusion Magic Hex you cast lasts 84% longer.) x Conjure Nightmare (For 12 seconds, target foe suffers -8 Health degeneration.) = 22.08 seconds of 16 damage per second = 353.28 total damage. armor ignoring damage, I might add.

as napoleon dynamite would say: "thats a buttload of damage"

and guess what conjure nightmare has 5 second casting time lol.

if you still don't believe me look at Illusionary Weaponry + Flurry Combo. It is pretty sick. Well i proved my point. mesmers freakn' rock.

PS: Grenth's Balance is probably the only competition. meh. probably not very practical anyways

Marty Silverblade

Marty Silverblade


Join Date: Jun 2006

I'm 99% sure Conjure Nightmare has a 5 second recharge, not casting time.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2006

Vahalla's Heros


oh yeah. my bad. thats what i meant. it has a one second casting time, 5 second recharge time. wow if it was casting it would suck lol.

so can anyone top conjure nightmare + mantra of persistance combo?

PS: 1 second casting time is with 0 fast casting.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005


Wizardry Players Guild,

Again, it is situational. Even Mending reduces its effect, better regens negate it entirely, let alone hex removal. Bosses have 1/2 hex duration. Lotsa variables. Too many.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2006


None atm


Obsidian Flame. 100+ damage, armor level doesn't matter.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Aug 2006


Type like an idiot, I'll treat you like an idiot


Hm... Well it's very conditional. There's backfire against the Searing Flames spammer. Grenth's Balance does a nice amount of damage to Glint, on the second condition that your health is immensely low. Degen is uh... I wouldn't call it direct damage. Fair enough, it still drains, but I wouldn't say that it's direct damage. Most damage I have EVER done was 700.

Hellhound: Undead. Already takes X2 fire damage. Frenzy. Another X2 damage. That's X4 to fire damage. Inferno on it with 16 fire magic = 700 damage or around that anyway. I love you Frenzy!



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2006

Vahalla's Heros


Fine, degen isn't "direct damage" but he asked whats the most damaging spell. and conjure nightmare is a spell that does damage, am I right?

anyways your frenzy + inferno is only really good against hellhounds. how does it do in pvp or regular pve?

A Searing flames spammer can simply shup up, and your health has to be "immensely low" to make grenth's balance work <-- thats big a turn off.

obsidian flame is nice, but you have to deal with a lot of exhaustion...

since degen is armor ignoring, its only weakness is hex removal. slap on a good cover hex like images of remorse and your enemy (human or npc) is toast.

im challenging everyone to top my nightmare + mantra of persistance combo



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2006


None atm


Originally Posted by xpxzampop
Fine, degen isn't "direct damage" but he asked whats the most damaging spell. and conjure nightmare is a spell that does damage, am I right?

anyways your frenzy + inferno is only really good against hellhounds. how does it do in pvp or regular pve?

A Searing flames spammer can simply shup up, and your health has to be "immensely low" to make grenth's balance work <-- thats big a turn off.

obsidian flame is nice, but you have to deal with a lot of exhaustion...

since degen is armor ignoring, its only weakness is hex removal. slap on a good cover hex like images of remorse and your enemy (human or npc) is toast.

im challenging everyone to top my nightmare + mantra of persistance combo
Divert Hexes. You lose.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2005

Originally Posted by xpxzampop
im challenging everyone to top my nightmare + mantra of persistance combo
A simple Reaper's Mark @ -6 degen for 30 seconds = 360 hp of degen. In any case, I still think that Dragon Blast is still the most devastating skill, but I guess that wouldn't count for this.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2006

Vahalla's Heros


huh. well you guys burst my bubble.