Hey, earlier today I was searing my mesmer, and was in the arena before you do the quest. My internet decided it would be really funny to cut off on me and I got err 007'ed. Now when I try use that character again, it instantly disconnects me! This is because i was d/c'ed in the Ascalon Academy, which isn't an outpost. So I was wondering is there anything I can do to stop this?? So I can play this character again.. or will I have to remake?
Cheers, Morge
Unable to use character
Knightsaber Sith
It shouldn't be dc'ing you at all. If you skipped out on the battle it should load you post searing.
In the character selection screen, under my mesmers location it states Ascalon Academy. When I click ok, it loads the arena, but after about 1/2 a second it d/c's me, it doesn't put me in post searing.

You probably should e-mail support about this. You should be able to use your character even after a disconection, and it shouldn't matter where you logged out(or disconected) on that char.
Yeah that's probably a good idea. The only reason I asked was because I used to just log off when I came to the arena (to sear quicker) and it used to send me to post sear.
Thanks all
Thanks all