For the most part, the ideas I've come up with are ways to improve the game as a whole. I am biased towards neither PvE nor PvP. I am a player who enjoys both aspects of this game, and strive to make the most of both areas. The suggestions I am about to make are not radical and in no way denounce the current system. They're "additions" that can help attract new and old players alike. Now, here we go:
To begin, I believe there should be a PvE title that enables people to have a /pverank emote--a title that is not limited and obligates one to spend a countless amount of time to go from one title to the next. This title should be achieved through the mindless grinding of high-level monsters. What brought me to this idea were the many Korean MMOs that I have played. What seems to attract most Asian players is the ability to grind to achieve a worthy goal. Not just any type of grind, either. Limitless grind! Being able to attain a /rank emote through grinding will be fuel for players who have already completed all the missions throughout the campaigns and are not interested in PvP. Furthermore, it can be used as great market material to attract more players in Asia. The market there is currently weak compared to what we have in America and Europe. Why is that? Well, I believe it is because GW PvE lacks competition. If PvErs are able to attain a way to compete amongst themselves, many more people will be attracted to this game, not just those in Asia. Epeen+++ for PvErs imo.
Secondly, players devoted to GvG are at a disadvantage when it comes to obtaining gold. I myself had no way to earn gold when I was devoting all of my play time to GvG. So here are a couple of suggestions I would like to make to improve this:
- Enable a way to trade Balth's Faction for gold. Those who are UAXed have nothing to spend their Faction on anyway. Something like 500g per 1K Faction sounds fair.
- Create a way to allow guilds to bet gold against each other during GvGs. In many Korean MMOs, guilds participating in a war against each other are able to make wagers. I believe a function like this would cause guilds to play better. Of course, I'm not saying that every guild has to accept bets... that would just lead to gold farming in GvG. (This suggestion was brought to me by a friend named Yon. Thanks Yon!)
My suggestions are not thoroughly detailed, but they are ideas that I think can help improve this game. If anyone is confused or has doubts, go ahead and raise any relevant questions within this thread. Give me your thoughts. If anyone thinks any of the ideas are outrageous just go ahead and blurt out what you feel.