Imperial palace problem



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2005




Quite often when i try and enter the imperial palace to do quests i go through the portal and it quickly says "you are already waiting to enter a mission" in red then it logs me off.
Any 1 else get this problem and know how to solve it?
is it because i have been doing missions then leaving via "mapping" instead of returning to outpost when i die?



The 5th Celestial Boss

Join Date: Jul 2006

Inverness, Scotland

The Cult of Scaro [WHO]


Do you mean Imperial Sanctum? Do you click "Enter Mission" then try to walk out of the portal to get into Raisu Palace?

I'm confused - not quite sure what you're doing but if you're doing that...stop. Just click enter mission and let the timer count down.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2005




no its not entering a mission it is going through the portal to riasu palace( i hope thats the right name), from kaineng center. im not in a mission town when this happens



The 5th Celestial Boss

Join Date: Jul 2006

Inverness, Scotland

The Cult of Scaro [WHO]


In which case I'm stumped! You can't get to Raisu directly from Kaineng Centre. You can get to the Raisu Palace mission town, via Raisu Pavillion, from Kaineng Centre. To my knowledge the only way to get to Raisu Palace (Explorable) is through the portal in the Imperial Sanctum.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2005




ok ill explain the situation better while im here .

I'm trying to get to talk to the emperor i am entering his sanctum?.. from kaineng center.
when i enter the portal i get "you are already waiting to enter a mission" in red then it logs me off.

the situation of being barred form him has happened twice now lol and makes me go buy some dye to make myself feel better.

If i try again after i re-log on i get the same thing.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2006

Could be a temp bug. Sometimes game areas will generate errors on regional servers for a while. Try again later, it may be resolved.

BTW your avatar is in extremely poor taste and frankly disgusting. Are you 12? Suicide isn't cool or funny.



The 5th Celestial Boss

Join Date: Jul 2006

Inverness, Scotland

The Cult of Scaro [WHO]


Ok...that didn't explain it better...that confused me more

You can't talk to the emperor anyway...he has nothing to say. He gives no quest rewards...he gives no quests.

Is your problem that you cannot map from Kaineng Centre to the Imperial Sanctum?

Sophitia Leafblade

Sophitia Leafblade

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2005

Dragon Slayer Guild [DSG]


I beleive he means the area next to Kaineng ie: Raisu Pavilion

Feminist Terrorist

Feminist Terrorist

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2005

Oh Noes! The 'burbs!

Actually, at one point, you can talk to him and either get a quest or a reward. It's been a while since I've been there, so I'm unsure as to what it exactly is. Bleh, I'd advise submitting a support ticket. Good luck with navigating through that maze though. :/



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2005




ok so no one has experienced this problem before whos looked at this post because they should understand the problem despite the bad description

the fact is that im entering a portal in kaineng center and having it tell me im waiting to enter a mission then im dissconnected

i believe this is due to me trying to solo a mission in tyria ,dieing and then mapping away to kantha and not choosing to "return to outpost".
for future reference
dont do this and try to complete a quest in raisu palace.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Sep 2005


Gui1d War스 P01ic트 [Pr으]


I've had this happen before, several times in fact. Minus the disconnection. It's happened many times, spanned over several months, in Tyria, Cantha and Elona. It's not like it happens frequently, just some random time when I enter through a portal, I'll hear the clicky noise, and it'll say "you are already waiting to enter the mission". I have yet to notice any consistency in reasoning as to why it happens.

I'd say that if it happens continuously to you, it's a bug attached to that specific area. I'd also say that if you're getting disconnected for it, that might have more to do with a problem with your computer reacting badly to it. I could be entirely wrong, though. I just know I'm not having a problem with it.

I'd suggest contacting support and at least making them aware of the issue.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2005




hey thanks for the clarifcation i knew some one out there would get the same problem.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2006

S??o Paulo Brasil


so besides the clicky noise when i enter pavilin there is a message ?
i never saw it, but everytime i enter the raisu pavilion it gives me the clicky noise lol



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2005


pardon the double post...nothin' happened the first time I hit enter (or so I thought) Please see below for what I meant to say...once...only once...just once...



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2005


I've had the same problem after finishing factions...not being able to enter, then getting disconnected...I found that if I entered it from the other side (the Palace Side) just once, the problem goes away (for my ranger and my warrior) this worked.