Request: Male warrior 15k / 1k sunspear with Kurzick helm



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005


League of Extraordinary Explorers [LOST] (my one man guild)


Yep, as the title says. I've been thinking of combining 15k kurzick helm with sunspear armor, but I don't know if the 15k and 1k sunspear are different enough to justify the purchase of the more expensive version. If anyone has the combo of 15k sunspear / 15k kurzick helm or just 1k sunspear / 15k kurzick helm, please post it and I can take a look.

Thanks in advance.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2006

Your face

True Gods Of War [True]


1.5K Kurzick Helm / 15K Sunspear -- Both dyed Silver

15K Kurzick Helm / 15K Sunspear -- Helm = Brown, Armor = Silver

IMO, the 1.5k kurzick with the 15k sunspear looks way better. The helmet has a much better design to it.