I know this is my first post, however, I was normally a viewer of this site. But now I decide, I'll come out of the closet. LoL.
This story I'm about to tell you, belongs to a good friend of mine, but I decide I'll share it with many people, since it's becoming more popular.
The name of the book is called: Tales of Lavangela "The Miracle Child"
The features I like in this book are:
The way how the story was told, and how it gradually evolves into something phenomenal, something way out of the box from most Authors way of thinking of a fantasy. (My opinion but see for yourself)

Some things are unimaginable, but hopefully a nice director will make a movie out of the book to let my mind see what he was discribing.
It has great illustrations, wonderful, yet some funny characters. The emotions of the book, sometimes make me laugh, excited, angry, and upset sometimes, especially on how the enemies hurt the innocent. However, it has allot of action, some romance, some humor, wonderful scenery, sometimes almost 'dreamy' or 'heavenly' thoughts of how we would like a planet to be.
I honestly, LOVE the heroes, or the amazing characters' behaviors and interactions with each other, and also towards their foes, and their loved ones. My good friend Rashid Davis, also knows how to keep the reader, or one who does not like to read that much, or not at all. Honestly, it started off dramatic, like a normal tale, but eventually, when the events start up, from there, it was just an on going pace of fun and adventure(LOADS of action and suspense to know more!).
Though, I'm one person who deosn't like to read much, I got to admit, the writing style kept my eyes going through the book, it was like almost reading an anime comic book, but the illustrations were in my head. Speaking of illustrations, his illustrations helped allot. (Wished they were more LoL)
Anyway, I love Tales of Lavangela now, because of the action and the adventure. And, hope one day, I can see it as a film.
If you're interest to see this fantasy story, he has a webbie. (www.ozonosphere.com)
Hope you have fun as much I did.
Ps. If you read over the book, you find out deeper things in it! It's insane, it's really a deep book, although you can read it from the surface and know the spine of book. Anyway, just thought I'd share this nice story with you. Have fun!