Anyway to unlock Luxon towns without joining them?

King Kong

King Kong

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2006


Ive got 10.000 Kurzick faction, and really dont wanna get it all over again just to unlock the Luxon side! Is there anyway to get into Gyala Hatchery without earning Luxon faction?

Thanks in advance



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2005


Nope, you just need 10,000 luxon.

Knightsaber Sith

Knightsaber Sith

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Aug 2006

Few Fallen Heroes [FFH]


Just cash out your Kurzick faction before you start collecting for luxon.

AW Lore

AW Lore

Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2006

Ancient Warriors Gaming Clan


you have to reach the 10k luxon faction in order to reach the mission gyala hatchery, i recomend getting all of your characters to that point, get the 10k luxon faction, get and complete the quests befriending the luxons.

at that point, you should have the 10k kurzick and luxon faction, you can do the same with the kurzick side, once all of your chars have done the befriending the luxons/kurzicks you can cash in either amber or jade until you get them both to zero and then just pick your favorite side.

the only problem is that when you get 10k from both sides, their merchants and skill trainers wont talk to you, but the armor and quest givers will talk to you.



Master of Beasts

Join Date: Mar 2005

Ottawa, Canada

Servants of Fortuna [SoF]

It is possible to explore most of Luxon territory by passing through Unwaking Waters explorable I believe. So you don't NEED to do it the normal way, but it's a heck of a lot easier than the alternative, which is to fight your way from the south.

Not sure if Gyala can be entered or not, haven't tried, but I was Luxon and did travel through Unwaking to Kurzick lands. I also however bothered getting the 10k faction - it's account-wide, so it's easy to simply stay at 10k of each.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Nov 2005


Odin's Hammer [OH] - Servant's of Fortuna [SoF]


You should use the 'back door' as Epinephrine suggests. The -only- trick to going this route is that you need more Lux faction than Kurz currently (this can be gotten by trading all 10k for amber or whatever zoning into unwaking and just bribing the priest on the way to the lux gate. You can then walk unobscured to all post Gyala outposts as well as entering Gyala by way of the mission exploreable. If you ever think you'll want protector though, just get the 10k

King Kong

King Kong

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2006


Would joining someone doing the "Stolen Eggs" quest work or wouldnt it let me teleport with them? Hate the unwaking area