Now I'm also selling another high end item, of a great value i think, and till now it went all ok. But couple of minets ago I saw that there is new bid, much higher than the rest, and its made by a user with lots of negative feedback (he's "rank" -5). I've read his feedback and nearly all the posts were saying things like "dont trade with him", "fake bidder" and so on... I dont know, maybe now he's really about to buy my stuff, but as a seller I'm really confused. Before this I've got like 4 bids that looked real, and if this guy isn't relly about to buy my item I'll loose a week and some potential buyers, and I really don't want that to happen.
After this long (sorry for that) story here's my question: do I (as a seller) have any control of my bidders? I mean, can I "delete" a bidder if the bid has high possibility of beeing fake? I've spend some time trying to find an option like this but I was unsuccesfull (maybe I'm looking wrong.. if so, sorry for such a long post, just please tell me what to do). I know that you can feedback a good/bad seller, and if You see a seller with low rank You wouldn't buy from him, but there are also feedbacks for buyers. People can say "dont trade with him, fake bidder", but if there's no option for seller to "delete" a bidder, fake buyers can mess any auction they want (until they're banned) just ignoring if someone puts a bad feedback...
I would really love to finish this auction in time and without any fakes, or bidders with "sub zero" rank. Please, tell me what can I do to make that happen.
Thanks in advance, and sorry for any language mistakes (still learning english) and again.. sorry for lenght