This first problem, which is ingame, Is probably one everyone experience, but I will inquire about anyway. Sometimes, and it seems to only happen when I am running, I will get past a group of enemies, but i will still be taking damage. Then, a few seconds later, I will be transported back, usually caught. Last time I had lag was when I had dial-up. Any normal time, I get NO lag because of my cable. However, whenever I am running, it does this to me. This is not only to ask what is going on to cause it, but also to ask this: Isn't there a way for the game to sense lag or recognize the fact that I wasn't trapped?
The second problem is a uniquely Guildwarsguru problem. Any other website I go to, again because of my fast connection, loads instantly. Guild Wars Guru, however, takes an unusually long time to load any page. Also, it sometimes seems to not register stuff or not finish it. Sometimes it will say Done in the bottom left, but it doesn't show what It supposedly loaded. Also, when I click Save when replying to a thread, or starting a new one, or making a large edit, it will not load it. I know that it does not load because I clicked save, went down, made a pizza, came upstairs, and after about 13 minutes it still had not done anything. Other times, it proceeds at the normal pace that the rest of guildwarsguru loads: At speeds of those found in dial-up, it seems.
ANY help or explanation of any kind would be greatly appreciated. Is any of this happening to anyone else? It seems I so far am the only one who is complaining about the "Runner's Lag" (my new term) and the "Guru Defficiencies" (term I made just now)
Problems in game and in guru
Flash Sp
Well the running problem is very strange and lots of players seem to get it. It seems when ur are body blocked ur client sometimes doesnt realize it and u keep taking damage because on the server side u are still there trying to run into a wall or an enemy. when u are taking damage like this just use heal sig or something to regain a portion of health back, the instance u get healed u get worped back to ur enmies where u can kill or run around them.
So there is no LAG technicly, but sometimes your client can't convert the coding and is stuck in a loop.
So there is no LAG technicly, but sometimes your client can't convert the coding and is stuck in a loop.
It's more than likely a client problem. Either the server/player client is having you run past, then the other is having you at the original spot. The warp effect is usually caused by when they're sync'ing back up.
Maria The Princess
its called "rubber banding"
its a lag. when you ALMOST loose connection to the server, but stay connected. your client keeps working, but doesnt recieve whats in the servers. to be honest ive been getting this way more then i used to get err 7.
i think...... thats how they try to fix multiple err 7 problem
its a lag. when you ALMOST loose connection to the server, but stay connected. your client keeps working, but doesnt recieve whats in the servers. to be honest ive been getting this way more then i used to get err 7.
i think...... thats how they try to fix multiple err 7 problem
Yeah, I've had the problem a lot latly after the NF update, before then it was very rare. I get it all the time now, when running. =\
this happen alot during relic run in HOH
Originally Posted by geminisaga
this happen alot during relic run in HOH
-When you have the relic and are walking the last 2 feet toward your ghostly:
"Ok guys, I'm about to cap, we're good"
"Uhhh, no you aren't, you're bodyblocked."
"I am? Dammit."
-Snap back 50ft to under the bridge
It happens, there's really nothing anyone can do to fix it. The internet is the internet.
As far as guru, I'd hazard a guess that it's just because of the sheer volume of server traffic they've been getting since NF release. I've the same problem, Guru is decidedly much slower and more unresponsive than the vast majority of sites I browse. I don't let it bother me though, I usually click a thread > alt tab and play GW > come read the thread (if it loaded). Nothing particularly time-sensitive about browsing a forum.
Guru is indeed having slow load times, if you drop by our Site Feedback forum that's where these types of instances are reported I have been trying to contact our server admin for resolution and to have him look into this and have not received word on it. As I have information I will pass it along.
Flash Sp
Glad to know it isn't a problem I can fix Lag had basically been FOREIGN to me since we got cable with the exceptions of only the biggest of updates: Factions Preview Event coming in 2 days and I haven't picked up updates in like a week and doing runs after Nightfall came out, namely. For the most part, I didn't have err7 much... I think I could handle taking out less than half a minute of my trip to storage once a month... at least err7 didn't inturrupt anything important (well, except for one mission and trying to cap Feast of Corruption, which I still don't have). And it's a good thing it only takes me 3 seconds to log in and load the game.