What is an ecto?
The The
what is it??
Globs of Ectoplasm, aka "ectos", are the materials require to craft the infamous Obisidian Armor, aka FoW armor, amongst shards and other materials. They are by far the most expensive material required, and only (somewhat rarely) drop in the Underwold. The GW economy seems to hinge on them, as they are commonly used to trade instead of platinum.
Duke Slytalker
well u r mostly right, ectos usually drop in UW, but i saw a SS of one droping in FoW(may have been photosopped, but it didnt look like it) and while shards seem to be going up in price, ectos r going down. in 3 months ectos prices have droped 20-30%
thats because evry1 bought them when they were 500g at trader and they skyrocketed to 17k or so
Malice Black
they went down to 500g?? i didnt know that
Originally Posted by Malice Black
they went down to 500g?? i didnt know that
Malice Black
lol i know what price they are now just didnt know they dropped that low at 1 point
Great Baron
U can buy easily from 8 to 9k now.. great for us, but go rapidly, its will go higher soon... same for the major runes...
An ecto is the same thing as an Enema.
lol dunno why i thought of this but i wonder if u can get ecto back if you salvage your fow armor not that you would want to... obviously
Originally Posted by Duke Slytalker
well u r mostly right, ectos usually drop in UW, but i saw a SS of one droping in FoW(may have been photosopped, but it didnt look like it) and while shards seem to be going up in price, ectos r going down. in 3 months ectos prices have droped 20-30%
The only place I have seen them drop is in the forrest..
At the trader reset ecto dropped down to 100 gold a piece. I was standing next to the trader with my chat log off at the time
But o well i made a million in sup absorbs from it.
extra bacon
Originally Posted by Duke Slytalker
well u r mostly right, ectos usually drop in UW, but i saw a SS of one droping in FoW(may have been photosopped, but it didnt look like it)
the only place (i know of) in FOW that drops ecto is from the banshees that linger around the wailing lord. there was also one occasion where there was an obsidian chest right next to the wailing lord, and the items we got from it were items you would've gotten from a phantom chest in UW - ie storm bow, eternal bow, etc.
yes, i was referring to the trader reset.