I'm hoping this is the right place for it...and I didn't see it in the FAQ (I apologize in advance if I missed it.)
I've been having a few issues with my heroes and maintaining enchantments. They maintain Divine Boon well, but I casted Live Vicariously on Koss, he took it off instantly. I also tried Life Bond with Tahlkora, and she took it off immediantly. Is this a glitch or are heroes not allowed to use some of these skills? I asked around in Guild Wars, but they were less than helpful. Any help would be appreciated, thank you.
Heroes maintaining enchantments
Kereton Arindale
Shift + left click the skill, it will disable it. Now you may cast on whoever and it will stay on.
Kereton Arindale
Thanks! That really helps me out in the Gate of Pain mission in the Realm of Torment... I was wondering why Divine Boon would stick and not other maintain enchantments though...oh well.
Enemy Jarmen Kell detected! 
This thread really helped me out. Thanks.

This thread really helped me out. Thanks.