Head: Hidden (unless you find one that matches well)
Chest: Krytan (or Tyrian Collector)
Arms: Krytan (or Tyrian Collector)
Legs: 15k Studded Leather (1.5k works too)
Boots: 1.5k Kurz
Dyes arnt that important, because of the way everything it pre-colored, a brown on the kurz (so its black/brown) and a black or grey on the rest might help the armors match, but if the armor combo looks good, i can worry about dyes later.
Anything close to this would be great, id try it out but id have to play through factions and proph to get to the collectors, not worth it unless it looks good.
Thanks again
EDIT: I was bored so I threw this together. Armor pics from wiki, sized and cropped.
Its very choppy, and mislighted, but its a base. I'd still love a true set, to see if i'll get it or not.
Any suggestions for improval? Im looking for a not-insanely-common combo that still looks good.
Female Ranger Combo