Super Annoying BUG!!
Father Blood
There is a bug when you are trying to cast a spell on an ally in guildwars.
For some retarded reason if your on a differnt height then your ally, and you
are just out of spell range, your character runs backwards and tries to go
around the hill or platform instead of running straight to your ally. THIS IS
VERY ANNOYING!! If i wanted to run backwards away from my ally I would
run backwards. If I want to run straight to him and cast a spell on him I
should be able to. Anyone who plays monk knows this and its very
annoying!! Your character should take the most direct route to your ally to
cast the spell even if you are on a different height. Then if your character
finds out for some reason that he cannot make it close enough to your ally
taking the direct route, then he should turn around run backwards and try to
go around the hill or platform. Please fix this!!
For some retarded reason if your on a differnt height then your ally, and you
are just out of spell range, your character runs backwards and tries to go
around the hill or platform instead of running straight to your ally. THIS IS
VERY ANNOYING!! If i wanted to run backwards away from my ally I would
run backwards. If I want to run straight to him and cast a spell on him I
should be able to. Anyone who plays monk knows this and its very
annoying!! Your character should take the most direct route to your ally to
cast the spell even if you are on a different height. Then if your character
finds out for some reason that he cannot make it close enough to your ally
taking the direct route, then he should turn around run backwards and try to
go around the hill or platform. Please fix this!!
Interesting formatting choices.
Try manually moving your character to the position you desire. If you move yourself, you'll be less frustrated by how the AI pathing moves for you.
I believe the default forward key is W.
Try manually moving your character to the position you desire. If you move yourself, you'll be less frustrated by how the AI pathing moves for you.
I believe the default forward key is W.

Father Blood
Yes I know genius but it happens when you are just outside of spell range
WHERE MONKS USUALLY HANG OUT. If you ever played pvp you would know
this. You can be right on the edge of spell range and your ally is counting on
your spell to heal you, and when you click on it to cast it your guy turns
around and runs backwards. Then you have to stop your guy and turn him
around and start walking back, then when you are just in spell range you try
to heal again because by now your ally is almost dead, and your guy turns
around and runs away again!! Now your ally is dead!!
You would know this if you ever played pvp instead of pve!!
WHERE MONKS USUALLY HANG OUT. If you ever played pvp you would know
this. You can be right on the edge of spell range and your ally is counting on
your spell to heal you, and when you click on it to cast it your guy turns
around and runs backwards. Then you have to stop your guy and turn him
around and start walking back, then when you are just in spell range you try
to heal again because by now your ally is almost dead, and your guy turns
around and runs away again!! Now your ally is dead!!
You would know this if you ever played pvp instead of pve!!
Actually, I've had similar things like this happen to my Monk in PvE. And what Caleb said is basically acurate, use WASD to move around and keep an eye on your terain. If you play nothing but PvP, you should be doing that MORE than someone that plays PvE.
Know your ground and the limitations of such.
Know your ground and the limitations of such.
Father Blood
Why are you even bothering argueing with me? This is a bug and it should
be fixed. End of story. It makes no sense to run away from someone when
you are trying to heal them. The game should be able to tell what the
shortest route is when you are casting a spell on someone. If it is between
making your character go foward another HALF A FOOT to cast the spell, or
turning around and having him walk 500 feet backwards in the wrong
direction, then 500 feet to the left, then another 550 feet foward again to
finally cast the spell. The game should be smarter then that and be able to
tell what the better option is. END OF STORY!
be fixed. End of story. It makes no sense to run away from someone when
you are trying to heal them. The game should be able to tell what the
shortest route is when you are casting a spell on someone. If it is between
making your character go foward another HALF A FOOT to cast the spell, or
turning around and having him walk 500 feet backwards in the wrong
direction, then 500 feet to the left, then another 550 feet foward again to
finally cast the spell. The game should be smarter then that and be able to
tell what the better option is. END OF STORY!
Blaze Emup
Quit whining. If you didn't want people to have opinions on this then you shouldn't have posted here. Do like any other sane person and sent a ticket to A-net. Nuff said.
I agree with you OP but I'd watch your attitude on these forums. Taking your anger and frustration from the game out on other forums members is a bad call.
I can assure you Anet knows about this problem, the reason it hasn't been fixed is probably due to the fact that there is not actually a z axis in the game, more like a pseudo-one.
I can assure you Anet knows about this problem, the reason it hasn't been fixed is probably due to the fact that there is not actually a z axis in the game, more like a pseudo-one.
I agree that AI pathing can be a hidious thing at best, but if you know it's bad then why are you still trying to use it?
The definition of Insanity is to do the same thing over and over again and expect different results each time.
The definition of Insanity is to do the same thing over and over again and expect different results each time.
Father Blood
Well if everyone is done argueing about this and everyone agree's its a bad
thing. Then lets fill this topic with people who want this changed. If we get
enough people to agree that this should be fixed and show anet then maybe
they will do something about it. PREACH ON FATHER!! CAN I GET AN AMEN???
A M E N ! ! !
thing. Then lets fill this topic with people who want this changed. If we get
enough people to agree that this should be fixed and show anet then maybe
they will do something about it. PREACH ON FATHER!! CAN I GET AN AMEN???
A M E N ! ! !
If you know that the bug exists, why are you still trying to cast when just outside of spell range, surely you can just move forward 1-2 steps into range & cast then move back.
Sounds to me like you are just lazy & want the game to know exactly where you wanna go when you wanna go there.
Sounds to me like you are just lazy & want the game to know exactly where you wanna go when you wanna go there.
You're being a douche when people are trying to explain that all YOU need to do is take one step forward, instead of forcing the computer to move your lazy ass for you.
Just stop whining and report it to Anet if it's such a freaking huge deal to you. Also, be sure to include that you don't want to manually move, you want the game to do it for you. I'm sure they'll really be interested in that tidbit.
Just stop whining and report it to Anet if it's such a freaking huge deal to you. Also, be sure to include that you don't want to manually move, you want the game to do it for you. I'm sure they'll really be interested in that tidbit.
like JediKnight said, i think this is you being lazy than a bug. the game isnt doing anything its not suppose to do.
like most people are saying. just use ur wasd keys and move within agro circle.
why fix something thats not broken?
like most people are saying. just use ur wasd keys and move within agro circle.
why fix something thats not broken?
Father Blood
What do you mean "the game isn't dong anything its not suppose to"?
You think the game is suppose to turn you around and run away from the
person you are trying to heal?
You think the game is suppose to turn you around and run away from the
person you are trying to heal?
ur not running away. ur just going the long way around to get within the agro circle.
Yes its annoying but theres no bug
thats just the way the ai was programmed.
Yes its annoying but theres no bug
thats just the way the ai was programmed.
i didnt know ppl still had an issue with this. its been around since day one. if it hasnt been addressed by anet yet, what makes you think that it will, or for that matter can be fixed? the community knows about this and deals with it accordingly (w key ftw!).
and plz, keep the attitude to a minimum. if you didnt want differing opinions, why post?
and plz, keep the attitude to a minimum. if you didnt want differing opinions, why post?
Njaiguni Blaze
Just like other ppl said, it's no bug. If the AI made your character move thee ways that is best for your character, what would be the use of havin moving keys? And I read that you're a pvp-player, well, I laugh at and pwn pvp-ers who use c+space.
Originally Posted by Father Blood
Yes I know genius but it happens when you are just outside of spell range
WHERE MONKS USUALLY HANG OUT. If you ever played pvp you would know this. You would know this if you ever played pvp instead of pve!! |
just use the default keys to stay in range of your allies, if you were a GOOD monk you would know this,
ah, i love cruel irony.
When you click on an ally, the movement is not designed to take the most direct route for spell/aggro range. It is designed to take the most direct follow/touch path. This can be a good thing or a bad thing, depending on what your intentions are, though I don't think it's a bug. For examlpe, a warrior does not want to get within spell range, he want to be close, so he needs that path as is given now. If you're thinking of just allies, the same still applies, think healing touch, blood ritual, etc. So it's just a matter of priority, and as it stands, touch comes first. I doubt they'll change it so that it depends on character type, since the same character can play a cast/touch role. It's just a matter of getting used to it, and knowing that sometimes automatic actions are not the best way to go.
Wow, you stay out of the range of your allies in PvP? So when they need healing, you have to move in their direction and then cast? I'd hate to be on your team.
It is clearly a bug and not working as intended, however the easy work around is just moving closer manuelly.
This has nothing to do about being lazy.
This has nothing to do about being lazy.
In my opinion, this is actually NOT a bug.
It's simply the code not taking your action into account.
Here's what happens: you try to cast a spell.
The game checks your range and determines you're too far away to cast that spell, so it triggers code to start moving toward your target until you're in range.
The code to move you towards your target is simply the same code that triggers when you click somewhere. Your character is taking the shortest route towards the location of your target. And if there is an obstacle in the way, it will go around.
Making the code check every possible location within range and then determine every possible route towards that location to pick the shortest one is practically impossible (your target would be just as dead as it is now because of cpu load).
What might be possible is that when movement is triggered by activating a spell, for the pathing code to take into account the range of that spell and determine for every obstacle between you and your target if you can get within that range to your target before pathing a way around it.
This is assuming there are no other factors involved in determining whether movement is needed to cast that spell (such as line of sight).
And this can be a very difficult thing to program depending on how nested or complex the pathing code is.
It would be an improvement, but not a bugfix.
It's simply the code not taking your action into account.
Here's what happens: you try to cast a spell.
The game checks your range and determines you're too far away to cast that spell, so it triggers code to start moving toward your target until you're in range.
The code to move you towards your target is simply the same code that triggers when you click somewhere. Your character is taking the shortest route towards the location of your target. And if there is an obstacle in the way, it will go around.
Making the code check every possible location within range and then determine every possible route towards that location to pick the shortest one is practically impossible (your target would be just as dead as it is now because of cpu load).
What might be possible is that when movement is triggered by activating a spell, for the pathing code to take into account the range of that spell and determine for every obstacle between you and your target if you can get within that range to your target before pathing a way around it.
This is assuming there are no other factors involved in determining whether movement is needed to cast that spell (such as line of sight).
And this can be a very difficult thing to program depending on how nested or complex the pathing code is.
It would be an improvement, but not a bugfix.
Fungus Amongus
It's easier for us to use a movement key than for them to add decision making to the pathing, that's for sure. I don't see it as a bug at all, just something we need to be aware of.
The game is simply trying to get your char 'within' range. It doesn't really care what that range is, so if it thinks that you might be using a touch spell it paths you to your target. It just happens that you are using a ranged spell, it still wants to use the same logic. So what happens when they change the cosde and at first you cast a range spell so it runs towards the cliff, but then you cast a touch spell, but now you have to run all the way around to do that where as if you'd simply pathed in direct route on the first spell the 2nd would have been easier.
Basically understand how the game works and play that way...
Basically understand how the game works and play that way...
This is a very old "bug", i just move close to my target before casting... but i agree, this is annoying... will be cool if game staff fix it... but remember and if you want touch your target and the ai get you to a wall close to cast a spell but away from a touch?
But that dont annoying me, what is annoying me, is... the RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GOing elona AI dont dodge... if you choose a target in a city or area and attack or want to just run to it, if my player find a npc, noob, hench or heroe in the way he just stop and still stoped, if i still pressing the button to attack he still stoped... i need do make a manual dodge... this happens to henchs, to minions... if i can remember this dont happens in tyria or cantha... or this is a new bad feature from a update, because i see it only in elona and dont paly in cantha or tyria, afther start playing in elona... this is annoying me a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But that dont annoying me, what is annoying me, is... the RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GOing elona AI dont dodge... if you choose a target in a city or area and attack or want to just run to it, if my player find a npc, noob, hench or heroe in the way he just stop and still stoped, if i still pressing the button to attack he still stoped... i need do make a manual dodge... this happens to henchs, to minions... if i can remember this dont happens in tyria or cantha... or this is a new bad feature from a update, because i see it only in elona and dont paly in cantha or tyria, afther start playing in elona... this is annoying me a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sli Ander
From the attitude you present in this thread, if they actually changed it you would be back in a week saying that the AI is bugged because it moved you in a direct line towards your ally despite the fact that you clearly wanted to take the other route.
I've run into this problem when interrupting wurms in Tombs, and when healing in certain areas too. Solution? I find a different place to stand while healing(usually on the stairs behind a necro), and I manually move my ranger as far forward as possible before telling him to attack. Its a lot less stressful in the end to simply take small steps to solve the problem yourself.
I've run into this problem when interrupting wurms in Tombs, and when healing in certain areas too. Solution? I find a different place to stand while healing(usually on the stairs behind a necro), and I manually move my ranger as far forward as possible before telling him to attack. Its a lot less stressful in the end to simply take small steps to solve the problem yourself.
Seeing as this is not really a question (and because this issue has been addressed).. and just a rant/whine/whinge about a "bug" in the movement AI in PvP..
BTW, all bug reports go to:
- choose your region and submit a ticket.
Thread closed.
BTW, all bug reports go to:
- choose your region and submit a ticket.
Thread closed.