Can't find primary mission in Cantha.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Sep 2006

Manchester, UK

The Manchester Marauders


I've brought my Tyrian Ele over from Lions Arch to Cantha and I've done loads of missions. However, I've not had one primary there. When I checked GuildWiki it says the mission is given by First Mate Xiang and is called "A Masters Burden". I think this is given in Seitung Harbour though for Cantha born chars. When I go to see him, he offers no mission.

How/where does a Tyrian character get the primary mission for Factions to get the ball rolling.

Thanks for any help in advance.




Walking Wiki

Join Date: Nov 2006

Isle of Medication

Visitors from Aranna [VFA]


The crossover quest for Tyrian characters travelling to Cantha is "Mhenlo's Request" (picked up from Firstwatch Sergio in Lion's Arch) followed by the primary quest "Welcome to Cantha" (picked up from Dockhand Quangnai in Bejunkan Pier).

This will lead you to Vizunah Square (Foreign Quarter), and the first mission on the Canthan mainland.

For further information, check here



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Sep 2006

Manchester, UK

The Manchester Marauders


Brilliant! I dunno how I missed him but he was there with the mission for me (Quangnai). I must've ran straight passed him when I travelled there. Thanks very much for the help.