NEWBIE - Which Guild Wars should I start with ORIGINAL FACTIONS or NIGHTFALL

Ahmad ibn-Fadlan

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Dec 2006


I was going to start playing Guild wars. And I woundering where I should start.

Should I go straight to Nightfall because thats were the most polished content is or should I start out with the Original Guild Wars? They all still seem about the same price still so I dont know what to do.

PS what do you guys think of Dark Age Of Camelot?

Liber Pater

Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2006

SpidersWeb [WEB]


Until NightFall came out, my answer would be Prophecies, because Factions was a waste of my time. But it depends on what you're looking for, get the original for the core experience, then Nightfall down the line, since the stories sorta intertwine. Or if ya don't care about that, get Nightfall for a more immersive storyline and, obviously theres alot more people playing NF right now.

As for DAoC, never heard of it.



Academy Page

Join Date: Sep 2005

US, Georgia



Original Guild Wars or otherwise known as Prophecies. I have that and Factions but I play most of the time still in Prophecies. That is until I get Nightfall. Factions was good but I find myself going back to Prophecies a lot. For a beginner Prophecies is the way to go becuase it teaches you how to play diffrent classes by giving you a chance to try them all out in the begining before you choose your secondary. Most of the people are playing Nightfall now but towns in Prophecies will still have one or two districts with people in them. Go for the first one I say becuase you may get lucky and find it on sale.

As for DAoC, never heard of it.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Sep 2005

Thousend Tigers Apund Ur Head [Ttgr]



Prophecies is a good game, just a bit dated now. You may wish to purchase if you get into the game

Factions is a bit.. meh

A friend plays DaoC, can't say it appeals to me



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Apr 2005

Austin, Tx

Mmph Its [Good]


I'd get the first GW simply for the skills, if nothing else. It has a good storyline, but NF is pretty nice as well, not to mention it has some of the best elites in all three campaigns


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Oct 2005

DAoC was the best mmorpg that I've played during the first two years it was out, but the experience steadily declined for me after their expansions and some of the changes they made.



Ancient Windbreaker

Join Date: May 2005

Prophecies tends to have a longer time period leveling up, which will give you more time to get used to the game mechanics. But I tend to agree with the concensus that Nightfall is a better game (heroes FTW) and more people are playing it right now.

Ahmad ibn-Fadlan

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Dec 2006

Got Guild Wars Nightfall

thanks for input.

People seems to say it was the best out of the 3, so if I really like it and they dont have a 4th one out, I will get the first,, no interest in Factions really, but who knows

I will let you all know what I think

Dutch Masterr

Dutch Masterr

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2006

Long Island, NY

Elite Knights [SWAT]


your all forgetting about 4 great things factions has to offer---alliance battles, assassins, ritualists, and many good skills

if you really get into the game, get factions for skills and especially alliance battles....once you play an alliance battle game youll be hooked...the best pvp expirience

prophecies starts off very slow and by the time your level 20 your already half way through the game, but im not saying that in a bad way as it is fun along the way. factions starts off extremley easy and you level up very very fast, but once your off noob island your instantly thrown into the "actual game" and youll have to rethink your play style. nightfall is my favorite chapter and the speed at witch you level up is somewhere inbetween prophecies/factions--not too fast but not all that slow.



Join Date: Jul 2006


eh i would go NF - Prophocies - Factions

NF first becuase you can get heros and level them up. As much as i would like to say going with either of the other 2 firs i can't becuase not many people play with other people nowadays with the hero release becuase unlike poeple you can control and change their builds to your likeing.

Next i say prophoices becuase its a nice change in pace nice scenery and good story line.

Factions then because its short and fun i guess but sometime fustrating imo


Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2006

If you have no idea if you'll like the game, you could start with Prophecies since you should be able to find it very cheap. It would probably be a good starting point too, even though I haven't played it, but I hear that it offers the best learning curve and best introduction to the game (as one would expect, since it is the first chapter). If you do start with Prophecies I'd recommend buying Nightfall if you decide to keep playing.

If you already know a bit about the game, perhaps your friends play or you've watched/tried it a few times, then go with Nightfall. The general opinion is that Factions is the worst of the three and should only be bought if you want the skills that you can only get there (this will help you immensely if PvP is your priority). Nightfall also has the vast majority of the playerbase since it's the most recent chapter, and since you have access to a lot of heroes that allow you to essentially complete the game by yourself.

In the end, if you decide to stick with the game, you'll probably end up buying them all since it's a big advantage to have access to all skills and professions. Don't start with Factions though.

dr love

dr love in denial

Join Date: Sep 2006


starcraft 2


i didn't really read the other posts, but...
hands down, get nightfall because that's where most people are playing right now. you get 8 different characters to choose from (instead of 6 with prophecies), get to have fun equipping and setting up your heros, and have some good skills available to you.

Though if you're a crazy obsessive player that wants to maximize your character, then i warn you, only start a dervish or paragon in nightfall. Its best for warriors, monks, mesmers, necros, eles and rangers to start in prophecies because you'll get loaded with free skills - and then more free skills.


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Apr 2005

Northeast USA

Guilded Rose


Originally Posted by dbulger
Its best for warriors, monks, necros, eles and rangers to start in prophecies because you'll get loaded with free skills - and then more free skills.

Removed Mesmer because they have a hard time getting groups

Nightfall is a better game if you want to play a Mesmer

Swinging Fists

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2006


I like Factions. I don't suggest it for a new player as the learning curve is way too steep. You need time to learn how to play the different professions, and it only takes about 6 hours to get to level 20 in Factions. Actually, that's what I like about it, but it's not for beginners, despite being sold as a stand-alone. I would suggest new players buy Nightfall, I suppose, since most people are there now, but you can't go wrong with the original Prophecies.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2006

Lost in the sands of time...

Blood Of Orr [BoO]


I didnt pay attention to other posts, so if i repeat something - Im sorry.

I would say Original or Nightfall. Original is just best for a new player IMO, BUT it takes a lot longer to level than in factions or nightfall, and there are less and less people in the original.

Nightfall = Your going to have trouble understanding what is going on with the storyline, but there is a lot more people to group with & there is hero's if you would prefer doing things on your own.

Don't go with factions though. Factions is my least favorite, and most everyone elses as well.

jakesays ffs

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2006

random hobos


First one for long time to complate and get to lvl 20
second one to complate the game fast
NF if u want to hit lvl 20 fast and hav cool armors



Walking Wiki

Join Date: Nov 2006

Isle of Medication

Visitors from Aranna [VFA]


I can't comment on Nightfall as I haven't started playing it yet... But i can comment on Prophecies and Factions

Prophecies is ideal for an introduction to GW. It's got a nice easy pace and doesn't rush you into anything. You can learn about the game and the core professions at your own pace, and there are a lot of skills that are given to you as quest rewards (meaning that you don't actually need to spend any skill points or gold on rouding out your skill repertoire and polishing up your builds).

Factions is much faster paced, and as such it's not the ideal chapter to use as an introduction. What it does do though is give you a much greater challenge (if you prefer more challenging games) and the pace of it prepares you a lot better for PvP action than Prophecies does. In Factions, the vast majority of skills need to be bought and this can be a bit taxing on your finances at times (especially if you're trying to save for something). But in the end, it's a thoroughly enjoyable game.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2005

Manchester, England

The Monstrous Fangs (fang)


For a new player, Prophecies all the way

Dark Divinor

Dark Divinor

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2006

England, Stoke on Trent.

New Dragons[NDR]


Well, I've played all three chapters from day one, and completed them all. In short, if I was in your position, I'd start out with Prophecies. For a few reasons really:

1) It's where GW's all began and, imo, has the best storyline so far. It also have a lot of depth, and isn't something you can rush through

2) Factions is, well...dull. You may be able to level stupidly fast, but the lack of content just doesn't, in my eyes, make it seems like a worthwhile chapter.

3) Nightfall may have depth, and may have a fairly good storyline aswell. But it seems to just throw you in at the deep end. There are so many new features, that the mass amount of new content may overwhelm you.

Hope this helps!