Holiday Event, When Is It?

Family Draconis

Family Draconis

Academy Page

Join Date: May 2005


Draconis Guards


If my memory serves me correctly, then the holiday event should be starting soon, just like it did last year, yet there has been no word (to my knowledge) of the event date at all. Can someone please tell me when this is going to start? Or at least point me in the right direction to find out, if nothing else. Thanks in advance.

~Jareth Draconis



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Sep 2005

Thousend Tigers Apund Ur Head [Ttgr]

A/ will say when.



Join Date: Oct 2006

Eating Abbadon's Eye's

Its on during the Holidays...Honest



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2006


[UC] Uber Crue


lol, its soon, 2 weeks or so.



Ancient Windbreaker

Join Date: May 2005

A week or so proceeding Wintersday

Tookis Elite

Tookis Elite


Join Date: Jan 2006

Chuck Norris Is The Only True [God]


i hope it isnt confined to ONLY between 20december-2january cuz during those 2 weeks or so im on vacation. thatd be gay.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2005

Courtney PantsuLand

Death By Teazu [TEA]


I really hope they're not going to make it the weekend event for the 22nd. I'd like to see it added at least 10 days prior to christmas. I really love the winter scenery. :]

Potu Exe

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2005

Anti Penguin Movement [ApM]


If they do do it like last year's Wintersday, it should start a week or so before new years eve. Other than that, theres no set dates for the event yet.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Dec 2005

The Edge

Tormented Weapons [emo]

Last year was Dec. 21. (Archives).



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005

Walking the ruins of Ascalon



Yup, it was late in December.
And just a note, its not a Christams holiday, its a celebration of the new year, thats why last year the hats were given new year's eve.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2006

Hi all...

Had a look at the link above that shows it stated the 21st last year... I missed out on it all last year as I was away *cries* so I have a few quetions if nobody minds...
Can someone/anyone please just answer some of the following please (if you dont mind)..

1. How much warning did you guys get before it started??

2. If it started on the 21st how long did it run for?

3. Was it the same all the way from start to finish or was there special games/events on diff days?

4. If there are special items were they availible from day one to the end? (or like the masks in cantha on last day?)

I have all 3 chapters myself so I dont mind when it is (if there is one this time around) but have just bought NF for someone and being close to Xmas was going to give it as a gift... however if this all kicks off before Xmas day I will have to give it early lol... hope they dont leave it till last minute.

Thanks for any additional info on this



Ancient Windbreaker

Join Date: May 2005

Originally Posted by boxterduke
Yup, it was late in December.
And just a note, its not a Christams holiday, its a celebration of the new year, thats why last year the hats were given new year's eve.
It's a celebration of Wintersday, and just happens to coincide with our new year.