Dying back to normal?



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Dec 2005

Dark Angels of Rising Chaos [DaRc]


I was just wondering what to do when you want to get your armor/weapons back to original dye since there isn't any dye remover anymore..
For example is it like yellow = warrior, ranger = brown.. I don't know just a guess.
And..what do I do to get THIS v back to normal? I bought it dyed red because I didn't know

(Amber Aegis)


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2006

Just pick up some Grey dye at any merchant, its the new dye remover

Phaedra Firesoul

Phaedra Firesoul

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Sep 2006

Under a rock.

Silencing To Avert Brutality


is that true? i don't think that's the case. i thought grey is just...grey.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2006

Iowa Guild Wars


yes regis is right the gry dye has replaced dye remover. useing dye remover takes your armor/weapons to your starting color and gry does the same as dye remover,they just replace dye remover with gray dye...



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Feb 2006


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Nope the grey dye hasn't got the same effect as dye remover, I tried it on my monk

monk of base

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2006

In the market for one atm


The idea is that all new (read: post-dye update) armor comes dyed "grey". Therefore, grey dye returns it to it's "original" color. So basically it just counts as dying it grey. Not sure how it mixes though.

Monk of Base.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2006

Iowa Guild Wars


then u must be doing something diffrent them me because it works the same for me as dye remover.guild wiki quote"Before the October 25, 2006 update, the equivalent item was called Dye Remover" <--- need i have to say more?
Gray Dye (sometimes referred to as thinner) is used to remove color added to your items using a Vial of Dye. Gray Dye can also be used as an ingredient when mixing dyes, leading to some rather strangely shaded results

Njaiguni Blaze

Njaiguni Blaze

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2006

The Netherlands

The Biggyverse [PLEB]


The base color what the OP is talking about is not attainable anymore by grey dye. The base color for ALL armors TURNED to grey with the update. Therefore it was dye remover which made warrior armor yellow, mesmer armor green, ranger armor brown etc. Grey dye is NOT the new dye remover, the dye remover is replaced by it



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2006

Iowa Guild Wars


well as far as nightfall goes gray is the same as dye remover..