What type of animals can a ranger control?
and if you create a character on Nitefall lets say (like Assasin), and want to play them in the first GW game, is it possible to use the same character across games? Or do you have to create a new one for each.
Just two questions
Second question first: You can play a character in any chapter (provided you have that chapter) regardless of where that character started. There are missions on each continent that will allow you to travel to the other continents. Once you have done the mission you can map travel to the other continent(s).
There are many different animals that a Ranger can control. Here are a few:
Tyria ~ Melendru's stalker (cat), moa, bear, wolf
Cantha ~ tiger, white tiger, black moa, phoenix
Elona ~ flamingo, croc, rat, lion, lioness, hyena
There are more, which I'm sure some kind soul will add
There are many different animals that a Ranger can control. Here are a few:
Tyria ~ Melendru's stalker (cat), moa, bear, wolf
Cantha ~ tiger, white tiger, black moa, phoenix
Elona ~ flamingo, croc, rat, lion, lioness, hyena
There are more, which I'm sure some kind soul will add

Originally Posted by savaged
What type of animals can a ranger control?
Originally Posted by savaged
and if you create a character on Nitefall lets say (like Assasin), and want to play them in the first GW game, is it possible to use the same character across games? Or do you have to create a new one for each.
thanks for answering guys, I just need a little bit more clarification on the pet system.
After you catch a pet, how do you get rid of it if you want to catch another one?
And, lets take wolves for an example, are there different types of them that you can catch? Do they have different attributes?
After you catch a pet, how do you get rid of it if you want to catch another one?
And, lets take wolves for an example, are there different types of them that you can catch? Do they have different attributes?
There are "trainers" in different places who will take your pet. You get nothing for it but the chance to charm a different pet. Most pets start at low levels and you have to level them up. There is a thread about pets in here somewhere that has a lot of useful info.
You can begin your search here:
You can begin your search here:
There are NPCs (usually right outside certain towns/outposts) tagged with "[Pet Tamer]". These NPCs will take your pet so that it frees up the availability for you to charm another. Just think of it as your character having to be a responsible master; you can't just throw your pets away, you'll need to get those NPCs to be their new master(s).
Check GuildWiki (http://gw.gamewikis.org/) if you need to find a pet tamer near your location. You can also do a search for "pet" on GuildWiki if you wanna know more in-depth stuff regarding pets, there's some evolution thingy tied to them.
Check GuildWiki (http://gw.gamewikis.org/) if you need to find a pet tamer near your location. You can also do a search for "pet" on GuildWiki if you wanna know more in-depth stuff regarding pets, there's some evolution thingy tied to them.
There are usually a couple different types of pets with the same basic look to them (2 or 3 cats per chapter, as an example), but all pets have the same general stats. The only exception is the Bear type pets, which have a skill called Brutal Mauling that doesn't actually do anything besides slow down their attack pattern. And what birdfoot says is true, pets have "evolutions" as they level up which are directly related to how you have treated your pet. There's a very detailed guide that was created before the release of Factions that explains how all that works.
Here's a link to that, but it's a little advanced - http://www.guildwarsguru.com/content...ide-id1575.php
Here's a link to that, but it's a little advanced - http://www.guildwarsguru.com/content...ide-id1575.php
Purely testing myself here to see if i know all the pets... :P
Tyria: Melandrus Stalker, Warthog, Black Bear, Strider(is this cappable?), Moa Bird, Snow Wolf, Lynx and Lizzard
Cantha: Tiger, White Tiger, Black Moa, Crane, Lurkers and Phoenix
Elona: Flamingo, Warthog, Lion, Lioness, Crocodile, Rat and Hyena
Core pets: Black Widow
I was yey... mini wave for me!
Tyria: Melandrus Stalker, Warthog, Black Bear, Strider(is this cappable?), Moa Bird, Snow Wolf, Lynx and Lizzard
Cantha: Tiger, White Tiger, Black Moa, Crane, Lurkers and Phoenix
Elona: Flamingo, Warthog, Lion, Lioness, Crocodile, Rat and Hyena
Core pets: Black Widow
I was yey... mini wave for me!