Rune Problems

Solwick Wotham

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Dec 2006

none at the moment


Ok.. call me dumb.. I'm having problems with rune's and updating my armor...

I have armor... buy rune... double click on rune.. and I should be able to update my armor. ... But I get a Can't do sign... the circle with a slash in it...

I tried to redye my armor to grey.. that didn't help...

I even tryed to take off my armor... and attempt it that way.. but it doesn't help...

I'm assisain.. lvl 14... with armor (55) .. looking to upgrade it to 70.. I am trying to use a rune.

I also have a warrior and tried it on him... but same problem.. he is only lvl 7 with armor of 25..

So, my question is this, "Am I doing something wrong? or is there a glitch in my program I don't know about?"

Yes it is Guild Wars.. not Night fall I think... Did I just spend "100 credits" for nothing? or do you have to have a certian lvl to upgrad armor?... or be a special type of player?...


Solwick Wotham




Join Date: May 2005


What rune did you buy?

You can only upgrade your armor with a rune which match's your primary profession. Same applies for the insignia's - if they have a profession named in them, only that profession can use them.

Thus for your Assassin, only Assassin, Vigor, Vitae & the energy runes would work for it as well as only assassin Insignia's and no-profession insignia's. If you try and put a warrior rune or insignia on assassin armor, you will get the "can't do" sign as that's not a valid option.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Nov 2005

Stoke, England

The Godless [GOD]


You can't upgrade the AL of your armour with a rune, you have to buy new higher level armour. The only way to add extra AL above the base value is to craft your armour in Elona and add insignias.


Furnace Stoker

Join Date: May 2005

The Seraphim Knights [TSK]


from the sound of things you bought an insignia, those can only be put onto armor purchased in elona

Solwick Wotham

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Dec 2006

none at the moment


where is elona????? I'm playing in Factions... is that part of the island for the beginning?

Yes I made sure the rune is also the same type as the armor... as well as assassin type.

Would I have to carry my rune to elona.. or is there a locker person there.

Would I have to be part of a group and then transported to elona???? off the island?

I have tried everything and this sounds like the solution to my problem if it is this simple?

Thanks again...

Solwick Wotham

Keira Darkwind

Keira Darkwind

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005


Clan Arthur


What exactly is the rune you are trying to use? That would really help.

If it is an insignia, you would need to buy NEW armour in elona. but you would need to have Nightfall in order to go there. Being part of a group does not matter.
you cannot use them on pre-nightfall armour because they have to have an insignia slot.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005

Walking the ruins of Ascalon



Elona is the new campainge, you have to buy it to be able to access it.
From the sound of it, yes you did buy assassin rune but I think you bought the assassin insignia.
Whats the decription of the "item" you bought.
Does the icon look like this

or like this

If it looked like the top one then this is insignia and can only put on armor bought in Elona (meaning you need to buy the Nighfall game).

Solwick Wotham

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Dec 2006

none at the moment


thanks all.... then why do we have rune's in the game... really sad face... spent nearly 1200 credits trying to get this to work....

the rune is the same as my char... assassian.. and same as the armor ... sabatoure.. my pants..

thanks for the disappointing help.. ya'll tried.. and i'm still stupid about all of this...




Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005

Walking the ruins of Ascalon



You just answered your question.
You bought the Saboteur insignia thats why you cannot add it to Factions armor.
You keep calling it rune but its not a rune.

But its true, Anet should add another Insignia trader or add a tab to keep insignias seperated from runes.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Oct 2005

La Legion Del Dragon [LD]


You can only add the following runes to an assasin's armor:

Class specific -
Critical Strikes
Dagger Mastery
Deadly Arts
Shadow Arts

Non-class specific -

And as it stands now, Faction's armor cannot be upgraded with insignias (which are about the first half that appear at the rune trader).