anyone else think crystallines are dropping more frequently
either that, or me and 2 of my guildes are extreemly lucky, after about a week of wining halls, my friend got one first, i got one yesterday, and my other friend got one today. req 10 15% while in stance, req 9 15% while hexed, req 11 15^50. seems to me they are dropping more frequently
Anarion Silverhand
Drops are random. Just as it is possible to hit 6 on a dice 10 times in a row, a lot of crystallines can drop in a short amount of time. It's all random.
Not only that... the more times people pop open that chest the more chances they have to get one... its all probabilities.
The Rift
by looking on the high-end sell topic and on the guru auction's, there is a increase of crystalline's and also a increase of dwarven axe's i noticed.
is this the PvP HoH, or the pvE one?
PvP obviously.
it really seems like more are dropping theres about 27 on guru auctions, never seen that maybe on there for like ever.
elemental swords seem like the new really rare skin, cause they only drop when elemental monsters are near.
elemental swords seem like the new really rare skin, cause they only drop when elemental monsters are near.