Find Their Weakness! and Norgu's Nightfall (quest)


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Apr 2005

I kept noticing something odd in terms of regaining energy in that I'd always get +1 every now and then. But I don't use zealous weapons, I don't have the anthem for energy regain, and my leadership is 10. I'd thought it was just people moving away but, I try my hardest to stay in shout range at all times in order to effect the most people. And recently just found out the oddity in that Find Their Weakness! only returns 1 energy.

Attempting to get a decent picture and scale but, I've taken it around all members of my party, with low energy and with full, and still only ever recieve 1 from it. Not sure if that effects anyone else. Any other shout such as Stand Your Ground gives 5 as it should.

Second is the Norgu's Nightfall quest, for the most part Norgu is not required, however, for the final section after entering the ampitheatre, you are required to have Norgu even though it is not stipulated above the rewards as with every other quest. It instead says it in the goals but, to my knowledge, only after he "awards" Norgu's Nightfall with the award.

Just simple problems.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2006


Originally Posted by Vangor
I kept noticing something odd in terms of regaining energy in that I'd always get +1 every now and then. But I don't use zealous weapons, I don't have the anthem for energy regain, and my leadership is 10. I'd thought it was just people moving away but, I try my hardest to stay in shout range at all times in order to effect the most people. And recently just found out the oddity in that Find Their Weakness! only returns 1 energy.

Attempting to get a decent picture and scale but, I've taken it around all members of my party, with low energy and with full, and still only ever recieve 1 from it. Not sure if that effects anyone else. Any other shout such as Stand Your Ground gives 5 as it should.
i havent played a paragon yet, aside from just a little RA, AB, and such, so correct me if im wrong, but doesnt "Find Their Weakness" only affect one ally? the wording seems that way to me. "Stand Your Ground" on the other hand affects all allys in earshot. i think thats your problem there.


Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2006


Echo of Darkness [EOD]


I believe the skill description for "Find their weakness!" says that it affects "target ally" (i.e. one person), which is probably why you're only getting 1 energy from it.

Mister Muhkuh

Mister Muhkuh

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Feb 2006


Ugly Ducklings [ugly]


Originally Posted by kyrasantae
I believe the skill description for "Find their weakness!" says that it affects "target ally" (i.e. one person), which is probably why you're only getting 1 energy from it.

that's it


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Apr 2005

Well that should still give back the standard since it is a shout (how you target a shout I dunno). I never actually saw that, though I'm glad I can just get rid of it, needed a space (thought it was way overpowered otherwise...)



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2005


Portrayors of Valour [pV]

It is in the right hands ;-)



Tech Monkeh Mod

Join Date: May 2005

Good Old North East of England


This is for technical problems not game issues

