Survivor Title questions...Help!




Join Date: Jun 2006



Okay so I made a factions monk cause I love the hair styles they have... But I made it to lvl 20 without noticing i have the survivor title lol. I wanted to use the elite skill capture way, of capping all these new elites in elona. But the problem is I cant change my profession because I am not ascended And the elites run out fast in the earlier part of elona.

But is there another way to get the profession trader to let me change? Like get r7 sunspear?
do I have to risk my title and do vishuna square then the weh no su mission? think someone could do those mission if I just stood in a safe place?


Chasing Dragons

Join Date: May 2005

Lost in La-La Land



You should be able to ascend the old fashioned way in tyria. It's safer, especially since you can take heroes through the desert missions.

Bo Azum

Bo Azum

Academy Page

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Mongoose United


As far as I know, no there is not another way.

I'm afraid you need to risk the title. But in the end, it ain't that hard to do those missions. Vizunah Square can be hazardous, but just make sure you are not targeted, and others can take care of the aggro. As monk, it's well to do to stay out of the fray.

Don't go pugging, is my advice. As for Vizunah, try to go for all henchies on other side, and a few friends/guildies on yours. Worked like a charm for me.

The one after (Napui Quarter, sp), you get the control back, so take that one slowly, again don´t take the aggro yourself, and you should be fine.

After, to get profession changer in Elona, you need to some primary quests, but those are like a walk in the park...

After that, happy capping

-Edit: I wasn´t sure about if you could get the status of ascended in Tyria, as a Canthan character. Also, I didn´t take heroes in consideration :P


Chasing Dragons

Join Date: May 2005

Lost in La-La Land



You can. The first rit FoW armors posted were obtained via Ascension in Tyria and a trip to FoW via ToA. Entry to ToA requires being Ascended or Weh No Su. I guess the Elonian equivalent is Sunspear General, but I am not entirely certain.




Join Date: Jun 2006



well the problem is, i'm from cathan on that character and getting to the crystal desert and all those other missions+ascesion is really annoying >_<

but I know that you get get it in any chapter, but do u think if i just get r7 i could change the profession?

Thats really my easiest thing to get right now as i'm in elona lvling my heroes.
have 200,000 xp as of now.

so my real question is r7=to ascended in other chapters? cause if its not! lol




Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2006

Your rank has nothing to do with ascending or being able to change your secondary profession. The profession changer in Nightfall is in the Command Post just to the north of the Sunspear Sanctuarry and you are able to change your secondary profession there. If, for some reason he isnt there, do a couple quests that are easy and he will show up.


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Dec 2005

Mystical Chaos


In Nightfall, there is no "ascension" like in the other campaigns. Instead, in order to change professions, you must complete the "Building the Base" quests in Sunspear Santcuary in order to gain access to the profession changer. I believe this also qualifies you for entrance to UW and FoW, but I'm not 100% sure.




Join Date: Jun 2006



ok well this is my problem that i said in the first thread.

the changer in the command post wont let me change..... I know in every chapter before NF you have an ascension mission and you can switch chapters and complete the other ascension mission in the different chapters.

however NF doesnt have u do this... instead to progress in the game you need to get r7(only NF characters now.)

oh well i'll just try to get to r7 in sunspear and see if it will let me change...
I would hate to lose this title cause i have to do those lame ass factions missions >_>

Swinging Fists

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2006


Originally Posted by DeathandtheHealing
do I have to risk my title and do vishuna square then the weh no su mission? think someone could do those mission if I just stood in a safe place?
Ok, first, what's the point of the title if you're going to "stand in a safe place" while someone else does the work ? This is exactly why people hate the survivor title. Don't be a wuss.

As for ascension and changing professions, if you ascend in Tyria by completing the 3 desert missions (easy) and defeating the doppelganger (easy), you get 50k xp which you don't get for the equivalent work in the other campaigns. Also, if you complete Nahpui Quarter before doing this, you won't get the 50k xp either. Keep that in mind.

As for ascending in Nightfall, you are considered ascended after completing the Hunted! quest, which opens the Sunspear Sanctuary. Try using the profession changer in the Great Temple of Balthazar (with 500g in hand) and see if you can change secondaries there.




Join Date: Jun 2006



Originally Posted by Swinging Fists
Ok, first, what's the point of the title if you're going to "stand in a safe place" while someone else does the work ? This is exactly why people hate the survivor title. Don't be a wuss.

As for ascension and changing professions, if you ascend in Tyria by completing the 3 desert missions (easy) and defeating the doppelganger (easy), you get 50k xp which you don't get for the equivalent work in the other campaigns. Also, if you complete Nahpui Quarter before doing this, you won't get the 50k xp either. Keep that in mind.

As for ascending in Nightfall, you are considered ascended after completing the Hunted! quest, which opens the Sunspear Sanctuary. Try using the profession changer in the Great Temple of Balthazar (with 500g in hand) and see if you can change secondaries there.
Standing in a safe place would be my guildies helping me... i wouldnt never pug with my survivor title... and wuss? i'm not sure if you would like to throw away the title you've been working so hard to get...

as for going to proph thats a no, then i have to been run to a bunch of places that hardly anyone runs to anymore.... its a pain in the ass.

Temp of balth changer wont let me change, first thing i tried
but once i get to r7 which will be tomorrow i'll do the hunted quest to... then that will see if i am "ascended" or not.

Alex Morningstar

Alex Morningstar

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Originally Posted by Swinging Fists
Ok, first, what's the point of the title if you're going to "stand in a safe place" while someone else does the work ? This is exactly why people hate the survivor title. Don't be a wuss.
Monks are supposed to stand in a (relatively) safe place. They are no good if they are busy kiting from enemies, having to heal themselves or dead.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2006

If you can't do Vizunah without dying, the title's not for you IMO. Getting to 200K in Cantha is really easy, and Vizunah is but the very first mission that you can't do while sleeping.
It's ok to be cautious and to plan your moves carefully, but this shouldn't be a big deal. I just don't respect the idea of standing back 'afk' to let guildies do the work (if that was what you meant), which would not be acceptable in more challenging places even.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2006

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You should be able to complete the factions missions without dying. I took my survivor all the way through prophecies and factions and am still working on the max level. I mostly worked in guild teams or with hench and I made sure to take heal that could be used on myself and stay out of immediate danger. My survivor is an ele/mo and I was always able to fight and contribute to the team without having to quit out more than about twice. As I was with hench or guildies the quitting didn't upset anyone ;P

The only cheat I did was being run to Droks by a guildie to get better armour. It's a lot of fun fighting through the game with a survivor - much more exciting and it forces you to play better.

Good luck with it!




Join Date: Jun 2006



Originally Posted by Cass
If you can't do Vizunah without dying, the title's not for you IMO. Getting to 200K in Cantha is really easy, and Vizunah is but the very first mission that you can't do while sleeping.
It's ok to be cautious and to plan your moves carefully, but this shouldn't be a big deal. I just don't respect the idea of standing back 'afk' to let guildies do the work (if that was what you meant), which would not be acceptable in more challenging places even.
well my idea was going through elonian missions and be able to change my profession in order to cap all the new elites while getting survivor #2.
It's not that I cant do vizunah without dying, but there always freak happenings that can occur.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Mar 2006

The Hand of Omega [WHO]


I've a feeling that Canthans can't ascend in Elona. My lvl 20 unascended Canthan ranger (I didn't feel like doing Viz Sq) has got all the way to Kodash Bazaar, has Sunspear Castellan , Brave Lightbringer, done every side quest / primary quest and mission on the way.

And she still can't change her secondary profession. Bah.

Oh and she can't get into FoW via the Chantry either, so definitely not ascended.

Edit: Actually, sorry she's not up to Castellan yet. That's my other two toons. D'oh! She is General though, and that didn't help.

Kali Ma

Kali Ma

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jun 2005


Complete the fourth mission in Elona, Consulate Docks, and then do the Hunted! quest in Yohlon Haven. At that point, goto the Battle Isles and speak to the profession changer, or get to the Command Post at the Sunspear Sanctuary.

There's really no way to ascend a character and change professions without doing some kind of mission; so it's a risk no matter which way you go. If you have Prophecies and can travel to Lion's Arch, pickup Olias and set him up for MM, and he'll make the Vizunah Square mission much easier.

To Saraphim... was wondering about that. It may be that pseudo-ascension in Elona is only for Nightfall based characters. I've not read that to be the case, nor tried taking a non-ascended character over to Elona, so don't know for sure.

In Prophecies, it's possible to find a runner from LA to Sanctum Cay, then a runner for that mission, to get to the Crystal Desert. However, the four required desert missions for ascension aren't really much safer than the ones in Cantha, and they certainly aren't faster to do.

Kelsey Cain

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2006

Originally Posted by DeathandtheHealing
Okay so I made a factions monk cause I love the hair styles they have... But I made it to lvl 20 without noticing i have the survivor title lol. I wanted to use the elite skill capture way, of capping all these new elites in elona. But the problem is I cant change my profession because I am not ascended And the elites run out fast in the earlier part of elona.

But is there another way to get the profession trader to let me change? Like get r7 sunspear?
do I have to risk my title and do vishuna square then the weh no su mission? think someone could do those mission if I just stood in a safe place?
If you are non elonian you have to ascend through one of the other campaigns to change profession - which means doing Vizunah or desert missions.

Vizunah is the only 'dodgy' mission where it is virually impossible to control your surroundings. You can either stand in a corner and just protect yourself or you can participate and run the risk of suddenly be targetted by multiple casters and do nothing about it before your dead.

I have done the latter with survivor characters in PUG's and died a couple of times at which point I either restarted or was satisfied with Lvl 1 survivor.

As others have said, if you choose the former and just try and avoid everything - do you really deserve the title? and will you gain any sense of accomplishment from achieving lvl2?



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2006

Oregon, USA

Me and my monk friend duo-55 with my survivor monk. Throw up a scroll and hope the Hydra dont interupt Prot spirit :0 LOL

Swinging Fists

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2006


Originally Posted by DeathandtheHealing
Standing in a safe place would be my guildies helping me... i'm not sure if you would like to throw away the title you've been working so hard to get...
I don't mean to attack you, but think about what you are saying here. How hard are you really working by standing in a corner with your guildies fighting. It sounds like your guildies are working hard to get it. But, it's your game, you bought it, play how you want.

Originally Posted by Alex Morningstar
Monks are supposed to stand in a (relatively) safe place. They are no good if they are busy kiting from enemies, having to heal themselves or dead.
Yes, monks aren't tanks. We (well, most of us) know this. But re-read what the OP said and convince me he is talking about normal monk gameplay instead of hiding from danger and riding others' coattails when he says this:

do I have to risk my title and do vishuna square then the weh no su mission? think someone could do those mission if I just stood in a safe place?




Join Date: Jun 2006



well ya you are attacking me, the only time I would "hide" is only for the 2 factions missions. I've never done that before, okay so shut up about it. I've been going around elona with only heroes+henchies and playing fine.

It's just that mission is a huge pain in the ass because the other team you get is always some moron that dies rite away.

Ya and i'm pretty tired of this Sentimental Crap.... I dont really care if I get a "sense of accomplishment" its a fricken game.



Desert Nomad

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Tucson, AZ

The Black Hand Gang [BHG] and The Black Helm Gang [BHeG]

Originally Posted by DeathandtheHealing
... okay so shut up about it...
That's really not appropriate language on a forum. You may feel attacked; there are remedies such as reporting a post.

I've been going around elona with only heroes+henchies and playing fine.
Then there shouldn't be any issue, right? Vizunah honestly is not a difficult mission; you'll see even how much easier it is with heroes than with a PUG or henches. You'll probably do fine, without even having to hide in the corner.

Ya and i'm pretty tired of this Sentimental Crap.... I dont really care if I get a "sense of accomplishment" its a fricken game.
Anyway, you stated that you got Survivor without even realizing it. Then you say that you "worked really hard" for it. Now you don't want to work hard for it. It's no one's business but yours, really.

Maybe since you got Survivor without realizing it, you don't realize the bitter feelings people on this forum have due to experiences with people consciously going for the title: Dropping out of a mission when it turned ugly, afk/leeching, begging for healing etc.

So, I'm sorry if you feel attacked, but maybe that's why.




Join Date: Jun 2006



Originally Posted by Sofonisba
That's really not appropriate language on a forum. You may feel attacked; there are remedies such as reporting a post.

Then there shouldn't be any issue, right? Vizunah honestly is not a difficult mission; you'll see even how much easier it is with heroes than with a PUG or henches. You'll probably do fine, without even having to hide in the corner.

Anyway, you stated that you got Survivor without even realizing it. Then you say that you "worked really hard" for it. Now you don't want to work hard for it. It's no one's business but yours, really.

Maybe since you got Survivor without realizing it, you don't realize the bitter feelings people on this forum have due to experiences with people consciously going for the title: Dropping out of a mission when it turned ugly, afk/leeching, begging for healing etc.

So, I'm sorry if you feel attacked, but maybe that's why.
appropriate language?....... I'm sure half of us are adults, who wouldnt mind if someone said "shut up," and report a post? over that? wow.

as for the mission i'm going through it later.

And as for getting the title without noticing, sure i noticed at lvl 17, but now i've really been working on it. Theres no need to be "jealous" as you state people are. And I worked really hard cause I didnt die the whole time xD even monking as the solo person on quests with utter retards.
so maybe its time to get off your high horse.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Aug 2006


Type like an idiot, I'll treat you like an idiot


Originally Posted by DeathandtheHealing
appropriate language?....... I'm sure half of us are adults, who wouldnt mind if someone said "shut up," and report a post? over that? wow.

as for the mission i'm going through it later.

And as for getting the title without noticing, sure i noticed at lvl 17, but now i've really been working on it. Theres no need to be "jealous" as you state people are. And I worked really hard cause I didnt die the whole time xD even monking as the solo person on quests with utter retards.
so maybe its time to get off your high horse.
Is that how you treat the people that try to calm you down? Honestly, you were the one that was saying it was "just a game", and yet you're also the one trying valiantly to defend your actions on sustaining your survivor title. Here's the way I see things. Vizunah is EASY! To prove it, I am going for Survivor too. Only this is on my ranger. I will take strictly hench. My ranger is level 15. I will finish this mission without dying. Why? Because my monk, the source of healing, is NOT afraid to die. Now here's a real secret to being a true monk. The minute you stop healing, people die. The minute people die, you are primary target. Now think for a minute here. Why would a level 20 monk be afraid of a level 15 mission, where as a level 15 ranger, with a lesser chance of survival, is not? You said you were taking guild members. So ask one of them to be a minion master. You won't have ANY troubles. A good monk thinks of others before themselves. Just remember that the next time you claim that an easy mission is going to be made difficult.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005

Tucson, AZ

The Black Hand Gang [BHG] and The Black Helm Gang [BHeG]

Originally Posted by DeathandtheHealing
appropriate language?....... I'm sure half of us are adults, who wouldnt mind if someone said "shut up," and report a post? over that? wow.

as for the mission i'm going through it later.

And as for getting the title without noticing, sure i noticed at lvl 17, but now i've really been working on it. Theres no need to be "jealous" as you state people are. And I worked really hard cause I didnt die the whole time xD even monking as the solo person on quests with utter retards.
so maybe its time to get off your high horse.
Please, chill. I am not on a high horse; if you re-read my post and the posts of others, you will see that we are encouraging you. That there is nothing to worry about, that the mission is doable without dying.

And *sigh* once again, please read a little more carefully before responding. You said in one post "ya you are attacking me.... okay so shut up about it..." (which, the poster was not doing at the time, but you perceived it to be so...). What I meant by reporting posts, is if YOU feel you are being flamed/attacked/abused, the mature thing to do is not get all snotty and tell people to shut up; the mature thing to do is to report an abusive post and allow the moderators to deal with it. Kind of in the rules of the forum.

One more thing: please quote where anyone in this thread stated they were "jealous" of your title. No one did; I suggested, when you felt you were being attacked, that there are strong feelings toward people who are going for that title, due to past experiences with a would-be-survivor being a bump on a log in a mission and not contribute anything but their afk-uber-title-seeking majesty.

LOL why do I feel like I've typed exactly the same thing I already posted?

Please read more carefully in the future; please be more thoughtful in your addressing people; and last but not least, good luck.




Join Date: Jun 2006



Originally Posted by Darkobra
Is that how you treat the people that try to calm you down? Honestly, you were the one that was saying it was "just a game", and yet you're also the one trying valiantly to defend your actions on sustaining your survivor title. Here's the way I see things. Vizunah is EASY! To prove it, I am going for Survivor too. Only this is on my ranger. I will take strictly hench. My ranger is level 15. I will finish this mission without dying. Why? Because my monk, the source of healing, is NOT afraid to die. Now here's a real secret to being a true monk. The minute you stop healing, people die. The minute people die, you are primary target. Now think for a minute here. Why would a level 20 monk be afraid of a level 15 mission, where as a level 15 ranger, with a lesser chance of survival, is not? You said you were taking guild members. So ask one of them to be a minion master. You won't have ANY troubles. A good monk thinks of others before themselves. Just remember that the next time you claim that an easy mission is going to be made difficult.
sorry that i dont like people talking down to me.

And yes I know how to monk you moron. Good for you if you like to spite people so much... go finish that mission with your lvl 15 and henchies. and get survivor.

I said i'm taking guild members of a Guild WHO DOESNT PVE sorry we all dont have a bunch of resources like you do.

and as of calming down, your the one who is ranting about stuff. I would have been happy to let the thread die about 10 posts ago. I got the answers I need, but no people have to say crap the whole time and stick stuff in your face.

so plz stop posting and shut the hell up. when you dont have anything good to say, dont post it, cause i'll say nothing good about you. So go beat the mission with your head up your *ss if its so easy then.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Aug 2006


Type like an idiot, I'll treat you like an idiot


Master's Reward, only 40 armour, level 16 now. If I knew how to show you the screenshot, I would. So like I said, just do the mission. There's no need to hide in corners. You won't lose Survivor there at all. And you're mistaken; you DO have those resources. See the hench in the corner there? Oh and surely a level 20 monk can survive better than a level 15 ranger with 40 armour.



Teenager with attitude

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Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

Original question answered, stop trolling, "shut up" doesn't qualify as offensive, closed.