You just got tomahawked
I have prophecies and a I did pre-searing 2 times. I never got the whole thing about Gwen though. i've seen her and I gave her flowers and stuff. Is she like actually important to the game? someone told she's a demonic creayure who's orgin lies deep in the mists. Is that true? I kind of look like a noob. WHO IS GWEN???
Gwen is a lot like...mending. Lots of new players like it, but it has no real purpose.
Basically, Gwen is one of those NPCs that Anet put in the game but never mentioned after the searing, in order to create a hook.
Basically, Gwen is one of those NPCs that Anet put in the game but never mentioned after the searing, in order to create a hook.
King Kong
More Outrage
Nobody knows. A few unended item quests?
Be like the rest of us, save them and if you find any answers please post them they would be much appreciated.
I have many quest items unused so I use them as bag spacers so I don`t sell the good stuff to the merchant when happily clicking away through the list of items I have in my inventory.
Be like the rest of us, save them and if you find any answers please post them they would be much appreciated.
I have many quest items unused so I use them as bag spacers so I don`t sell the good stuff to the merchant when happily clicking away through the list of items I have in my inventory.
Phaern Majes
Gwen is god worship her. Seriously though she'll set you on fire if you don't....
You just got tomahawked
Originally Posted by Phaern Majes
Gwen is god worship her. Seriously though she'll set you on fire if you don't....
Originally Posted by Phaern Majes
Gwen is god worship her. Seriously though she'll set you on fire if you don't....
It's the uber 1337 firestorm

Don't forget about the "preserved red iris flower" in a (non-key) chest in the corsair area in elona labeled as a quest item.
this is an awesome pic
Gwen is something that STILL hasn't came back =(
And she better, her flute, preserved iris flower & her tapestry shred still sit in my inventory
And she better, her flute, preserved iris flower & her tapestry shred still sit in my inventory

I binned mine. Gaile said hang on to them! Why? ;(
thats just disturbing. a guy giving a young girl flowers and such. be a nice boy

Gwen is an evil conspiracy of ANet to keep innocent gamers awake at night in hope to find the Holy Grail: 'where did gwen go post-searing?'
In short, don't waste to much time on Gwen.
In short, don't waste to much time on Gwen.
In presearing if you aggro Gwen (assuming you haven't told her to follow you) she will run up to you and ask if she can follow you. If you run a short distance after that, she will follow you there. If you break aggro, she will resume skipping around the area.
Gwen will randomly heal you too once she has her flute. Her healing is the same as a level 0 Orison of Healing: 20 health. It really helps you AND she doesn't leech experience from you. Very helpful in Pre-Searing.
Personaly I would like to see Gwen come back, possibly as a Hero or something to that end (Gwen the henchie anyone). I also have several tapestries and I keep finding her broken flute in the ruins of ascalon. When are they gonna clear this up?
Mega Mouse
Worship Gwen like the goddess she is.
Mega Mouse
Worship Gwen like the goddess she is.
Originally Posted by You just got tomahawked
I have prophecies and a I did pre-searing 2 times. I never got the whole thing about Gwen though. i've seen her and I gave her flowers and stuff. Is she like actually important to the game? someone told she's a demonic creayure who's orgin lies deep in the mists. Is that true? I kind of look like a noob. WHO IS GWEN???