Strange Message
I was watching a gvg match for 20 or so minutes, typing a few things here and there. Then, when the match was over, i got a window that said that my "connection to the network" or something, had expired, and it prompted me to reenter my account name and password. This has never happened to me before. Had i been sitting around for too long and the game had thought i went afk and kicked me off? (Even though i had been watching the gvg match and had typed a message not a few seconds before.) Or is this something more sinister? like someone trying to enter my account while I am still on it? Replies would be appreciated!
Nothing to do with being AFK.
AFK farmers leave theres on overnight, and it's fine supposedley.
Ive left mine on for an hour or so while I go grab lunch, and never a problem!
AFK farmers leave theres on overnight, and it's fine supposedley.
Ive left mine on for an hour or so while I go grab lunch, and never a problem!
I've had this happen before, It's not Guild Wars, its your internet connection that did it.
Former Ruling
You got an err7?
No Former Ruling. He said he got a message prompting him to re-enter his password, because he was disconnected from the network. That usually happens @ a loading screen, and when you enter your password it just proceeds to load normally.
bad person
I sometimes receive a similar message when I open up my friends list - it says the connection was lost and I have to enter my password in again. I'm still connected to the game just fine - my friends list is just empty until I reconnect. I never have noticed anything consistent about it, it just happens now and then (but rarely).
Frau Braten
Ive had this happen, the friends thing It says you have been disconnected from the friends server (or something like that) and the game continues, but you can't pm your friends. I just finish what Im doing, log off, and log back in.