Idea: Make unloadable templates not appear on load template
For skill templates, I don't know how many templates you all have, but when you get a decent amount, say, 30, it is kind of lame that of those 30, only maybe about 5 are loadable. Since they are in alphabetical order, this puts them all over the place. I would like if, when you press load template, either only loadable templates show up, or all loadable templates show up at the top with the unloadable below them. Since they can not be loaded, there is no problem with this, but it will clear things up and if you want to view all of your templates... well... that's what manage templates is for.
True. I agree.
This kind of change would be quite nice.
But I wonder: if inside templates directory, I'd create sub directories. Would they be listed, or simply, only the templates in the main directory would be seen?
This kind of change would be quite nice.
But I wonder: if inside templates directory, I'd create sub directories. Would they be listed, or simply, only the templates in the main directory would be seen?
Originally Posted by Index of Ideas