Alright this is an example of a night trying domain of anguish
1. 30 minutes getting group and "retard" screen (hmm power attack and ice spear, unteresting combo...)
2.go in, wipe out, go back and tweak build
3. go in your monk err7s halfway
4 go in your tank error 7s halfway
5 go in your bip err7s halfway
6 after three times of losing due to err 7s someone says "OMG this group *&%ing sucks, gg kthxbye"
7 half the group leaves
8 repeat steps 1-7
Currently DoA is a lot of skill, but even more luck. If one key person lags out in an area other than city of torc, you're screwed, period. In urgoz or the deep or something, 4 people can lagout and you still got a chance. But definately not here. I found the quests really fun, but now its just getting boring since all I'm ever doing is making groups and replacing err007s. In the 5 hours it takes to finish one quest, you have a 80% chance of an err007 or ragequit, and if you don't 80% of the time you'll wipe out. James bond is deadly.
DoA getting pointlessly stupid
Not A Fifty Five
Unless you have an actual suggestion, there are other threads you can complain in. Closed.