Doa getting pointlessly stupid part 2
Not A Fifty Five
Alright this is an example of a night trying domain of anguish
1. 30 minutes getting group and "retard" screen (hmm power attack and ice spear, unteresting combo...)
2.go in, wipe out, go back and tweak build
3. go in your monk err7s halfway
4 go in your tank error 7s halfway
5 go in your bip err7s halfway
6 after three times of losing due to err 7s someone says "OMG this group *&%ing sucks, gg kthxbye"
7 half the group leaves
8 repeat steps 1-7
Currently DoA is a lot of skill, but even more luck. If one key person lags out in an area other than city of torc, you're screwed, period. In urgoz or the deep or something, 4 people can lagout and you still got a chance. But definately not here. I found the quests really fun, but now its just getting boring since all I'm ever doing is making groups and replacing err007s. In the 5 hours it takes to finish one quest, you have a 80% chance of an err007 or ragequit, and if you don't 80% of the time you'll wipe out. James bond is deadly.
The close was a unnecessary, I'm calling to the community to think of stuff, everyone has this problem
If you must, suggestions:10 party size to bring "extras", some way for lagouts to get back into the party they lagged out of
1. 30 minutes getting group and "retard" screen (hmm power attack and ice spear, unteresting combo...)
2.go in, wipe out, go back and tweak build
3. go in your monk err7s halfway
4 go in your tank error 7s halfway
5 go in your bip err7s halfway
6 after three times of losing due to err 7s someone says "OMG this group *&%ing sucks, gg kthxbye"
7 half the group leaves
8 repeat steps 1-7
Currently DoA is a lot of skill, but even more luck. If one key person lags out in an area other than city of torc, you're screwed, period. In urgoz or the deep or something, 4 people can lagout and you still got a chance. But definately not here. I found the quests really fun, but now its just getting boring since all I'm ever doing is making groups and replacing err007s. In the 5 hours it takes to finish one quest, you have a 80% chance of an err007 or ragequit, and if you don't 80% of the time you'll wipe out. James bond is deadly.
The close was a unnecessary, I'm calling to the community to think of stuff, everyone has this problem
If you must, suggestions:10 party size to bring "extras", some way for lagouts to get back into the party they lagged out of
crazy diamond
It was ridiculous from the start. I finished it once, just to get Razah and say I did. But far as I'm concerned 5-6 hour quest lines is exactly the kind of thing I play GW to avoid. Gaile already stated that the DoA is not gonna change, so it's a moot argument. Though personally, I hope this is the last time they make an area like this, elite or no.
Sorry, but that's just unbelievably bad luck. In all my runs I've had a total of 1 person Err7ing.
And as far as I know, the quests aren't 5-6 hours long. Most are only 2/2.5.
And as far as I know, the quests aren't 5-6 hours long. Most are only 2/2.5.
Not A Fifty Five
rly? have you been doing just ravenheart gloom and torc city? XD
Edit: another example right now, err7, next person "I'm gonna go HA", then two eles wont resign cause they want a chest that they cant get. we got back to town and its just me and the bip. we had a perfect group, we beat the first group flawlessly
Edit: another example right now, err7, next person "I'm gonna go HA", then two eles wont resign cause they want a chest that they cant get. we got back to town and its just me and the bip. we had a perfect group, we beat the first group flawlessly
Haven't tried DoA. But if it's as difficult as people are saying... Awsome. I can't wait to get there. Challenge = A.Net at its best.
Haven't been around that long, but if a mod locks a thread, it was for a reason. You should actually listen to them.
Sounds like you just got bad luck. Sucks. It really does. But considering it's a new area, there are bound to be n00bz up the wazoo there.
Haven't been around that long, but if a mod locks a thread, it was for a reason. You should actually listen to them.
Sounds like you just got bad luck. Sucks. It really does. But considering it's a new area, there are bound to be n00bz up the wazoo there.
Needing skill to complete? OK, fine. need skill and a run of good luck? Not so good.
And when you need a skilled group, a lot of good luck, and a single mistake can wipe the party where the only option is to start over again from the beginning?
That's nice. I'll be playing my new Dervish through the other storylines. I suppose it's fun for some to have luck play such an important part of these quests. Not for me, not for a lot of others.
And when you need a skilled group, a lot of good luck, and a single mistake can wipe the party where the only option is to start over again from the beginning?
That's nice. I'll be playing my new Dervish through the other storylines. I suppose it's fun for some to have luck play such an important part of these quests. Not for me, not for a lot of others.
I haven't done much in DoA. I don't have much interest in it since my first time tainted further expeditions there. Took my ranger through the game only to find cookier-cutter builds, so nobody wanted my ranger. Then I took my monk through and when you target "My mana is 3 out of 47" and they run in anyways, you get blamed for them dying. *Sigh*
If I had to suggest something with my minor roll in playing in that area, I'd say increase the party size above eight. Seems odd that the Factions Elite Areas are 12 when DoA is only eight. Although, since I haven't beaten all the areas like many have, I'm not sure what an increased party size would do to the difficulty. Others here would have a better perspective then myself on that.
If I had to suggest something with my minor roll in playing in that area, I'd say increase the party size above eight. Seems odd that the Factions Elite Areas are 12 when DoA is only eight. Although, since I haven't beaten all the areas like many have, I'm not sure what an increased party size would do to the difficulty. Others here would have a better perspective then myself on that.
Gaile already stated that the DoA is not gonna change, so it's a moot argument. |

I don't like the way DoA is either and I'd love it to get changed a bit, especially party size - tho on the other hand, 12 ppl means more chance for someone to leave before the mission is over.. Oh well. I doubt I'll go there again anytime soon, I don't like random parties in places like that, I'll wait and see how the things are going to come out. Only thing I really care for in DoA is Razah.
Off topic: actually, why is ANet adding so much l33t stuff (tormented weapons, primeval hero armor) in a game thats supposed to be ani-gring/farm? It's a contradiction imho.
crazy diamond
Originally Posted by Cherrie
Where did she say that? I'd like a link if it's possible
![]() |
In reference to some people wondering wether or not the latest patch had made any changes to the DoA. To which she responded:
No changes were made to the Domain of Anguish. None will be made. |
Draiyne Valure
It doesn't bother me that much; I like massive challenges. The more impossible the better. If it annoys you, then to be honest, don't go (no offense =P) I agree though, the length of the mission pretty much guarantees some kind of real world disruption be it an error or food break. Some kind of "safe area" or checkpoint-like thing wouldn't be amiss.
Anarion Silverhand
Originally Posted by Not A Fifty Five
The close was a unnecessary, I'm calling to the community to think of stuff, everyone has this problem
GUILD wars.
Originally Posted by
GUILD wars.
Fortunately I realised that it was just one of those inline ads generated automatically.
Can that one be blocked in anyway?
Not A Fifty Five
Originally Posted by Anarion Silverhand
This is the suggestions forum. You're not supposed to make threads in which you ask others to think of a good suggestion.
Anyways, I love DoA its a great challenge, why do all these people assume I hate it because its tough? I'm just saying its ridiculous since DoA is turning into a basically "7 person party limit" 90% of the time which IS almost impossible and very boring.
I like the checkpoint idea, not sure how it would be implemented tho? The game can't just save the progress of all monsters defeated and stuff, and would it be saved for the party or the person, cause if it were saved for the party what would they do if a person had to leave for the night or something.
Maybe they should split the domain into more than 4 sections? Like journey to torc city/torc city or have ALL the monsters in the area be triggered by quests and they would be permanently won once. It sucks that you have to do every quest each time in gloom even if you've defeated the first one before, its redundant.
DoA is hailed by many as a great elite, and hated by just as many. In the end tally, Nightfall was running behind so they split this off, calling it a free update. It shows.
Hopefully the community itself will soon offer a wider spread of builds and tactics that can apply to a higher percentage of players. ANet won't. They're too busy being behind on Chapter 4 . . ..
Hopefully the community itself will soon offer a wider spread of builds and tactics that can apply to a higher percentage of players. ANet won't. They're too busy being behind on Chapter 4 . . ..
groups need ~5 hours to complete a mission and often they fail after hours of gaming because people leave or err7 out, this is frustrating and the main reason why group size should be increased to ~10, bad groups will fail anyway so what
/notsigned on the idea of expanding it to allow 10 people.
I think DoA can be summarized very easily: it's an OPTIONAL area.
If you believe it takes too long, don't play it.
If you believe it is too hard to find a PuG for, don't play it.
If you absolutely love a very, very, very difficult challenge, even dealing with potential err07's and the like, then play it. I fall in this category.
I have immense difficulty with people that are calling for widespread changes to an optional area that is MEANT to be one of the most difficult areas in the game. Many people have finished DoA, so that in itself should be very informative...
P.S. For some reason, I'm having vivid flashbacks to the mini-missions in the first Dragon Festival...
I think DoA can be summarized very easily: it's an OPTIONAL area.
If you believe it takes too long, don't play it.
If you believe it is too hard to find a PuG for, don't play it.
If you absolutely love a very, very, very difficult challenge, even dealing with potential err07's and the like, then play it. I fall in this category.
I have immense difficulty with people that are calling for widespread changes to an optional area that is MEANT to be one of the most difficult areas in the game. Many people have finished DoA, so that in itself should be very informative...
P.S. For some reason, I'm having vivid flashbacks to the mini-missions in the first Dragon Festival...
Not A Fifty Five
Originally Posted by Jetdoc
/notsigned on the idea of expanding it to allow 10 people.
I think DoA can be summarized very easily: it's an OPTIONAL area. If you believe it takes too long, don't play it. If you believe it is too hard to find a PuG for, don't play it. If you absolutely love a very, very, very difficult challenge, even dealing with potential err07's and the like, then play it. I fall in this category. I have immense difficulty with people that are calling for widespread changes to an optional area that is MEANT to be one of the most difficult areas in the game. Many people have finished DoA, so that in itself should be very informative... P.S. For some reason, I'm having vivid flashbacks to the mini-missions in the first Dragon Festival... |
B)I'm not arguing about it being difficult.
Horseman Of War
its nice to give people the benefit of the doubt- but it is rather easy to ragequit, then be like "oh dang guys i 007d guess ill c ya" I think about half those err7s are babies who quit but try to keep their head up high. gg to that.
Im not going to try and fool you guys into thinking i know more than anyone else here, Im getting my ass handed to me as well... but after completing every mission in the game with Heros, I do welcome the challenge of working with humans again. Nightfall was kind of easy compared to both the original two chapters.. at least now there is something in the game that I cant necessarily attain overnight (my new record for Yonlon to Morah is 10 hours)
the hardest part about it, to me, is just simply finding a group iwth my Derv and Para (which is why I powergamed my mesmer to torment on my last day off- hah my heros are all still level 5-18 practically- this weekend Ill get back to DoA)
Im not going to try and fool you guys into thinking i know more than anyone else here, Im getting my ass handed to me as well... but after completing every mission in the game with Heros, I do welcome the challenge of working with humans again. Nightfall was kind of easy compared to both the original two chapters.. at least now there is something in the game that I cant necessarily attain overnight (my new record for Yonlon to Morah is 10 hours)
the hardest part about it, to me, is just simply finding a group iwth my Derv and Para (which is why I powergamed my mesmer to torment on my last day off- hah my heros are all still level 5-18 practically- this weekend Ill get back to DoA)
All who say "difficult yay!". Well the thing is 90% the time is spent in outpost, especially if you are one of the reject classes. Not fun at all.
Originally Posted by Not A Fifty Five
A) Nobody has finished DoA.
i did the city quest yesterday.
past 5 hours then at the last boss , at the last group of mobs we figure out we didnt have enough firepower becouse of of err7.
and no wasnt difficult or challeging.
i spend my time (i was prot monk) doing this
wait tank be ready to aggro
prot spirit on ele who might get random hit
prot spirit on ss who might get random hit
run aways from mobs who broke aggro.
rebirth the tank when a key spell get interupted.
i will try to to this again but i dont find funny beat crap ai with overpowered skill becouse they attack the guy who is obviusly impossible to kill.
past 5 hours then at the last boss , at the last group of mobs we figure out we didnt have enough firepower becouse of of err7.
and no wasnt difficult or challeging.
i spend my time (i was prot monk) doing this
wait tank be ready to aggro
prot spirit on ele who might get random hit
prot spirit on ss who might get random hit
run aways from mobs who broke aggro.
rebirth the tank when a key spell get interupted.
i will try to to this again but i dont find funny beat crap ai with overpowered skill becouse they attack the guy who is obviusly impossible to kill.
Now you see, people such as myself LOVE difficult challenges. That doesn't bother us and we enjoy a good challenge, thinking of various tactics and laughing with friends. But I can see where he's coming from here. He is by no means complaining that the area is too hard, but that the people who leave make it from "hard to impossible", ESPECIALLY when a monk leaves. However, I believe time is the remedy here. Give it time until the hardcore DoA players come along. I don't believe that raising the players to 10 is the best possible solution.