I miss a quest now im very stuck plz help !!


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Dec 2006


please help im very stuck .ok this what happen.
i done the quest "For a Price" Obtained from Margrid the Sly(hero)then which i forgot to take the next quest which is "No Me, No Kormir" from Margrid the Sly(hero)and i map back to town .now im very stuck and dont know what to do .i look everywhere for Margrid the Sly(hero)to try Obtain the quest but no luck. can u please tell me where i can Obtain the quest. without the quest i cant get any further .

thank very much .

Sasuke The Betrayer

Sasuke The Betrayer

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jan 2006

Los Angeles

Pink Pearl



Q. No Me, No Kormir -> Pogahn Passage
(If you don't have the quest "No Me, No Kormir", enter Marga Coast from Yohlon Haven to talk to Margrid the Sly)
M7b. Pogahn Passage -> Moddok Crevice

Go CTRL + F to find the link. I found it in Elonian Explorer League, because it the quest sequences caused many problems, so the information was posted.