i id'ed this armor and it yielded nothing is this a rare thing that happens cuz its never happened to me b4
can any1 explain this???
Fury Incarnate
I've never seen it before - All non-white armors are supposed to have at least one mod on them. Did you buy the armor from someone else? If so, it's possible that they salvaged the rune before IDing the armor and sold you a blank piece. Thanks to the new chance to not destroy salvaged items, it may be possible to do this, though I've never heard of it happening.
Off topic but did you notice you have the title of 1 millionth poster? If thats a true title and not self imposed CONGRATS lol
For a short time period in the beginning of nightfall, you were able to salvage the rune/insignia out of a piece armor and have it remain unided. You just bought one of those.
1 Millionth Poster is a true title, there's also a 2 Millionth Poster here somewhere.
1 Millionth Poster is a true title, there's also a 2 Millionth Poster here somewhere.
Fury is right, I am sure. You must have gotten that armor from someone else as an unid'd gold. They had already removed the rune from it via expert salvage, and the armor remained runeless yet unidentified.
it just dropped for me today cuz i just decided to make a rit for some reason and it dropped from an afflicted and when i id'ed it nuthing came out its weird
I did not buy it from some1 to dispose of those theories
I did not buy it from some1 to dispose of those theories
Great, now the afflicted are starting to salvage their own armor.
Great, now the afflicted are starting to salvage their own armor.
That's been happening on and off since day 1. Don't worry about it too much. Many of us have found armor like that even since they changed it so non-white armor "always" had runes on it. I've only had it happen a few times since the "fix" in Prophecies and only once in Nightfall.
Phaedra Firesoul
yeah i just got one of those from an afflicted in Zen Daijun this week. i was confused at first but didnt think too much of it.
Wow what an odd glitch, never seen that one!
I have gotten those on occasion. They are rare but there. It happens to me mostly with purple items but I got a gold spear the other day without any mods (It was max and req7). Not sure if it is a glitch or something that the programers put in. It is odd when it happens though.
Mega Mouse
Mega Mouse