There should be a Death title.
First lvl : Monk heal me before i die.
Second lvl: I aggro to much.
Third lvl: Noob quit dieing.
Max lvl: Leroooooooooooooooy Jenkinnnnnnnnnnnnnsss
Dieing Title
Hand of Ruin
If by title you mean a mark of shame that advertises "DONT PUG WITH ME!", then sure...
Marty Silverblade
I hope you're not serious...
Titles are usually something to be proud of... I don't see people dying repeatedly to get a title like this. Besides, noobs would be proud of it. Would also make it hard to get into PuGs if you don't know how to change it or turn it off.
Titles are usually something to be proud of... I don't see people dying repeatedly to get a title like this. Besides, noobs would be proud of it. Would also make it hard to get into PuGs if you don't know how to change it or turn it off.
I dont think any noob would acually die that much. If they have been playing for a year then the highest death would be in the 1000s
I do agree on the addition of 'loser' titles. Why not add titles like "Corpse>Alive xx%" "AFK'er xx%" or "Mission Failure xx%"
sure, no one will pick you, but it sure would provide some laughs
sure, no one will pick you, but it sure would provide some laughs

Kool Pajamas
There was a thread where a guy had 1,000,000 deaths.
I have but two things to say here:
- Legendary Defender of Ascalon
- It's been suggested before; please read the forum stickies and use the search function before posting a new suggestion thread.