newb economy ?
just wondering in terms of gold what ectos and shards are worth, for the purposes of not getting jipped in trades. maybe 5k=1 ecto?
Ecto = Trader's Price - 1k
Maria The Princess
chec out rare material traders in big towns like Ascalon, Lions arch, Drokan forge.
nowectos are at 9k but prices change due to demand/supply
nowectos are at 9k but prices change due to demand/supply
Anything that can be bought and sold from traders is based around that price. This goes for runes, dyes, common and rare crafting materials and keys.
The prices of everything varies. The best way to see what ectos, shards and other rare crafting materials are worth is by checking what the Rare Materials trader is selling them for. The same thying goes for dyes, common crafting materials, and runes. If you can see what they're buying stuff for, that will help, too.
Many people sell rare crafting materials (along with black, white, and silver dyes) for about the average between the merchant's buy and sell prices.
With common crafting materials and dyes, a lot depends on how big the demand for the stuff is. For things in high demand 25 - 30% off the merchant's sell price is generally a good price. For things that are not that much in demand, 50% off is a pretty good rate. Some things, like granite slabs & bones, aren't worth the trouble to try selling to others, so should just be sold to the merchant so you're not wasting your time trying to find a buyer for it.
Many people sell rare crafting materials (along with black, white, and silver dyes) for about the average between the merchant's buy and sell prices.
With common crafting materials and dyes, a lot depends on how big the demand for the stuff is. For things in high demand 25 - 30% off the merchant's sell price is generally a good price. For things that are not that much in demand, 50% off is a pretty good rate. Some things, like granite slabs & bones, aren't worth the trouble to try selling to others, so should just be sold to the merchant so you're not wasting your time trying to find a buyer for it.
cool thanks a lot all. Guess I need to go dig up that trader thread here in the forums and see where an ecto trader is.
almost forgot to ask, but i'm pretty sure the max gold u can trade at once is 100K right? I had someone try to buy my bone dragon for over 100k instead of the usual 100k + ectos. didnt wanna find out the hard way and get jipped LOL.
almost forgot to ask, but i'm pretty sure the max gold u can trade at once is 100K right? I had someone try to buy my bone dragon for over 100k instead of the usual 100k + ectos. didnt wanna find out the hard way and get jipped LOL.