ive been playing guild wars on and off since its release, and ive always thoroughly enjoyed it, mainly because it was the first mmo i played. about half a year ago i got into pvp a bit, which was enjoyable but eventually it got tedious, spending half an hour to get a group only for it to fail early on (although i know not everyone sees it this way)
A few months ago, i began to play World of Warcraft, to see what it offered. It kept me interested untill lvl 60. But reaching the top level, and having decent items didnt end it for me, because of instances. Im not talking about the 20/40 man raid encounters, but the 5-10 man instances. They are a lot like FoW/UW, and keep many of the casual players playing for a long time. I think that Anet should implement more FoW/UW style areas into the game, to hold the interest of those people with several lvl 20s who want something other than PvP or spending 5 hours in DoA.
How to make end game interesting for the casual player
They probably give the Dwayna, Lyssa and Melendru a realm eventually. And of course, no matter what they will be, people will complain about them on this boards untill my eyes bleed.
Why do you think Blizzard didn't make Starcraft 2 yet? Simple: The expectations are just inhumanly high. It can be nothing else then dissapointing.
Why do you think Blizzard didn't make Starcraft 2 yet? Simple: The expectations are just inhumanly high. It can be nothing else then dissapointing.
I think that, like someone suggested, shorter quests would do good.
Need more sorrow's furnace.
Originally Posted by Permasiel
Need more sorrow's furnace.
Griff Mon
Well, it looks like they have something planned. I have found a few mysterious doorways and gates after I finished the game that are locked. One with glowing stairs behind it out in the middle of nothing has me particularly intrigued.
Originally Posted by Bahamut44
I agree, more casual end-game areas like SF and Tombs would ideal, The 1337 players can have their DoA.
Fix Razah.
People have DoA runs down to 1.5~2 hours now. Even if you're a 'casual player', if you join a group that knows what they're doing (easier said then done, I know :P), you should be able to get in a rewarding run before bedtime.